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Sacramento perch
Are there any Sacramento perch left in Utah? Did a search and found a thread from 2014 without anything definite. Kentofnsl, did you ever get any? Also TD and LOAH, you guys have any idea?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
The one long trip I made out there (many moons ago) was unsuccessful. Last month, I communicated with the biologist for that area and was told that Garrison Reservoir (Pruess Lake) still has them and the best time to fish it is in March and April. I plan on getting after them again next spring.
Yeah, I read your posts from back then but wasn't sure if you ever got a chance to go again. I have lots of others left on my bucket list so not sure how soon I want to do a three-hour drive over there. But they do sound like fun if they have any size to them.
Thanks for the update.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
It is even an hour further for me to drive there, but considering I believe it is the only Utah game fish that I haven't caught it will be worth the drive. Big is always better, but I would be thrilled with a small one.
I caught some sacramento perch this year in pine Grove res they were on the small side fun to catch
I actually know where that pond (and it definitely is a small pond) is located and fished it the same trip that I made a trip out to Garrison. The water was really muddy the day we went and we had zero luck. I will try earlier in the year next time and will definitely fish it again if I can't catch one in Garrison.

There are 2 really small ponds that have some in them in southern Utah. They have been in there for 30 years that I know of. I have never seen one over 4 inches there.

Here is a video of the water source that feeds the ponds. It comes out of a long abandoned mine. Just so happen that I was there exploring with a couple of my grand kids the other day.
I can't get your video link to work.

Try it now,,,I had it set on privet.
That works.

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