[quote fish_hntr]Between the low wiper numbers and the recent positive test for west nile virus it's getting harder to justify the drive up.[/quote]
Utah's first human case of West Nile virus in 2018 reported in Utah County
I'm outdoors a lot, so disease from mosquitoes is of particular concern since I refuse to put poison on my skin.
Last few years, I've been experimenting with various essential oils: peppermint, lemon, lemon grass, eucalyptus … more and even vanilla. They don't last long and need to be reapplied frequently.
I have a friend who laughs at the relative ineffectiveness and claims he prefers his nerve gas that kills them. I say I'm scared of what kills insects and he laughs. But, the story gets

as he has had a plethora of serious health problems that could very well be related. But, there's no proof. I passionately believe in our Nation's founding principles like innocent unless proven guilty, but that one is a human right and I don't extend it to man made chemicals that have never existed in nature. I'm blessed with amazing good health and do my part to keep it by all aspects of healthy living.
Relating that to fishing and mosquitos and now West Nile Virus, if you smell a citrus orchard while fishing, look around to see if it's me. Also, effective nontoxic mosquito repellent ideas are invited -- please post.