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I have been busy this year and haven't been able to fish down in Utah much. I have been fishing Sulphur Creek Reservoir a lot though and have been doing very well with the Walleye in there. Some bass too, but not as common as the eyes.
I've caught them up to about 5-6lbs and but I know there are some big ones in there.
There are tons of smaller walleye, they are reproducing in this lake very well. There is no limit on them - it is my opinion that the lake could use some additional harvest. Hardly anybody else targets them at Sulphur Creek. The next closest lake in WY with walleye is Boysen. I have enjoyed having a walleye resource so close to home.
Just thought I would share my success and kind of "let the cat out of the bag" on this Utah forum. I know Willard isn't fishing as well as it used to for eyes. Maybe some of you would enjoy the relatively short drive up to WY for some walleyes. I'm moving to Denver in a few weeks and the thought of nobody fishing for walleyes in a lake with lots of them really bugs me. If you see a guy in a green float tube stop by and say hi and I'll give you some swimbaits to try.
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I see the nonresident fishing license is $14/day. Is there any other charge to fish Sulphur Creek Reservoir.
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Forgot to mention something I think is important. The walleye have been in there for almost two decades now believe it or not. The game and fish still has a no limit rule in effect, which is fine in my opinion considering how few people fish for them. What does bother me is there is a "must kill" rule with walleye you catch. At Sulphur you will catch a lot of walleye that are about 10" or less. You can get a bite off them if you are skilled with a fillet knife but to be honest with you, I think it is better to accidentally drop them back in the lake after you catch them. If you catch my drift. If you are like me, killing a 6-8" walleye doesn't make a lot of sense - if you can't bring yourself to do that... consider fishing somewhere else... or shake them off before they get to the boat[  ]
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[quote kentofnsl]I see the nonresident fishing license is $14/day. Is there any other charge to fish Sulphur Creek Reservoir.[/quote]
Nope. No charge to fish or launch a boat. The lake is pretty low right now but the main ramp is still in the water. There is good shore access on the north side of the lake too, for shore fisherman.
One last note: I have been fishing the last hour or two of sunlight and then into dark for a few hours usually. I haven't tried fishing for them in the middle of the day but I imagine you could find them deeper and catch them alright. Just don't want someone to get excited and drive up and get skunked day fishing. My success like at other lakes has been at low light periods.
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I imagine one must purchase a mussel sticker. If yes, how much for that?
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I am not sure. I don't think you need a mussel sticker for a float tube. I should probably check that out myself, in years past you didn't need one anyways.
For a boat I think you probably do need one, in fact I'm sure you do, but I don't know how much they are sorry.
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"All watercraft using Wyoming waters are required to display an Aquatic Invasive Species decal. Costs for the decal are $10 for motorized watercraft registered in Wyoming, $30 for motorized watercraft registered in other states, $5 for non-motorized watercraft owned by Wyoming residents, and $15 for non-motorized watercraft owned by non-residents. Non-motorized inflatable watercraft 10 feet or less in length are exempt."
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Another lovely case of bucket biology.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
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Wow, I almost did not read this because it was about Sulphur Creek. In the past all I have ever heard of is people catching are trout there, with the occasional walleye but to my surprise, this is an impressive post about eyes[cool]. If you don't mind sharing, how were you catching them with, bottom bouncing with worm harness, jig fishing with a worm or plastics, lures? Pm's are find too, if you don't want to give out too much info.
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I know from talking to people and watching people fish, that basically nobody that fishes Sulphur creek targets walleye. In the last few years fishing out there, I've talked to one guy who did, besides myself. You can't really blame the locals around here for not knowing how to fish for eyes... even after I tell them how I'm catching them they don't seem very interested. Which is odd, because the trout fishing at Sulhpur is sub-par at best.
I'm sure all the traditional methods will work at Sulphur. I am a swimbait fanatic though and have a hard time fishing anything else for eyes. I fish 2.8", 3.3", and 3.8" size keitech fat swing impact swimbaits on a darter head. Usually if I'm fishing the 2.8" size I will fish two of them tandem, about a foot apart.
Can't fish them wrong. You can steady retrieve. Stop and go. Vertical jig. Drag the bottom. etc. As long as the paddle tail is thumping.
It is not a very big lake - if you go you should be able to find them pretty easily. I've mostly been fishing the inlet/bay next to the boat ramp though.
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Good to know, I've been reading some good articles in In-fisherman mag about those type of lures especially those with a paddle tails, glad to finally talk to someone that is using them with success. Can you buy those in Evanston or do you have to order them on line?
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I order mine online from free 2 day shipping on orders over 50$.
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Good to know, thanks for the info. Have you ever used any of their bigger swim baits, like 5 or 7"?
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Yes I have. Not at Sulphur Creek though. At Glendo and Grayrocks reservoir in WY... I used to throw the 4.8" version a lot. Amazing how a 16" walleye will inhale a 5" swimbait.
I think a lot of the eyes in sulphur target crawfish so I downsize there.
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If there are crayfish there, I wonder if a crayfish crankbait would work there[:/]. Have you ever caught them there on anything other than swimbaits?
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Wish I would have known that a little earlier I would have tried for them, I have a fishing license for WY. that came with my NR elk tag I drew that I will probably not get to use. I will be hunting Antelope in that area in a couple weeks but doubt if I will get a chance to fish.
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yeah I have caught a few on a small rattle trap style lure. I'm sure they'll eat all kinds of stuff, I just can't put the swimbaits down.
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Well they'll be there next year too. I have tried to catch them under the ice without much luck but I'm sure it can be done.
The fall bite will be good I am pretty sure too. Especially with the low water. They should be stacked up.
Good luck if you get a chance to make it out there.
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Thanks for the info, I just may do that next year.
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Thank you for the info. I will try to make it there this weekend. I have been wanting to target walleye. I have only ever caught one. I have been wanting to go to Seminoe, but Sulfur Creek is closer. :-)