[quote Jmorfish]Ron, you're killing me![/quote]
You might think my comments were my attempt at being a comedian. But, the truth is actually MORE comical. I'm serious and that is really my nature as that is really the way I think and really the kind of things I do.
Fortunately, my health and fitness allows me to get away with the consequences of my stupidity (doing what I know better and would advise others against) to do what I know has a high chance of harshness. But then, is it really stupidity since I just view harshness as opportunity to test and further develop valuable preparedness skills?
That's true about me as well because I'm often having a great time in the harshest of conditions and sometimes solving some of them with learning for the purpose of getting beneficial preparedness experiences.
Is that unusual among us? Perhaps not because we are the exception as most people won't go ice fishing -- I know because I've been inviting my friends.
An example is I've been sleeping outdoors trying various ways in the cold with thoughts of overnight ice fishing to be able to wake up and already be set up on the ice before dawn at the breakfast time for fish which I otherwise have been missing a lot.
What I've been learning will make that a fun adventure with what might be harshness for others mitigated by experience with methods and equipment.
I don't mind being laughed at for being me because I'm happy being me and often laugh at myself.
I was once laughing at a long series every stupid decision I was deliberately making being the absolute worst and opposite of what anyone else would do as I was going deeper and deeper into extreme harsh conditions that everyone else was avoiding. The odds of anyone being there was nil.
But, it had a great outcome because I found a person lost there who would have otherwise died from his poor choices in a blizzard.