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Strawberry Report (2-16-04)
Arrived at the Berry around 12:00, went to the view area just past the laders, fishing was extremely slow until 3:00, then someone flipped the switch and and the bite was steady. We did best on glow tubes, off the bottom in 25 feet of water. In two hours we landed 16 fish all cuts 3 were under 15, 1 that went 24", and all the rest were in the slot. It was a beautiful day on the ice. The warden was out checking everyone, a group next to us was caught hiding cuts in the snow, and was ticketed, after they recieved the ticket they packed up and left, I guess that was enough fun for one day!
... a group next to us was caught hiding cuts in the snow, and was ticketed... [/reply]

Did you have anything to do with them getting caught? [Wink] Actually, I hope you did. When others break the regs we all suffer and we as fellow anglers shouldn't tolerate it.

Nice report. I'm glad you did so well.

No, we were being checked and the warden said he would be right back, cuase he actually saw them hiding the fish in the snow. When he came back he told us they had several cuts that he found in the area.
Sounds like a real bright bunch, Glad to hear they got caught. The DWR could make a fortune in fines if they would check some of the boats coming off the lake that are smuggling out enough fish to feed an army for several years.
Heaven forbid allow law enforcement to check somebody else's property. If they even tried the ACLU would probably waste more of their time and money on the issue. Same issue as to why drugs are so easy to hide and smuggle. Too many laws working for the law breakers and too many laws working against law enforcement. I for one would be willing to give up some of my rights to privacy if I knew that there would be fewer dirt bags around stealing my stuff and making it so everyone has to lock every belonging down before they go anywhere.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin
It all depends on who's view of "liberty" and privacy we are talking about. I do like that quote and have heard it before. I think it is all relevant to how much limitations we put on law enforcement and how much freedom we give to criminals and the dishonest lawyers that defend them. Notice the "dishonest" part about the lawyers. I know some people will argue that there is no such thing as a good lawyer but I have met some lawyers that I wish all other lawyers would be like.
I agree completely about the lawyers. Having been through a divorce and two custody battles, I know the importance of a good lawyer. I just cringe when I hear of giving up rights in the interest of safety, security, or whatever. I think we have plenty of laws on the books, and plenty of resources to enforce them. One thing I would like to see, is police officers getting paid decently. I'd also like to see penalties enforced, especially for repeat offenders.
[cool]right on, equal pay...
I agree on the more pay and I think icehole69 is just biased and greedy when he thinks he deserves more pay[cool].

As far as the repeat offenders goes they get enforced, slapped, and let out to do it all over again. Until there is more money in the system to hold these dirt bags they are just going to get out and keep on playing.
I agree. I doubt that it will change anytime soon. It's a Sad situation.
well of course I am biased, I know damned well I am worth more than I make right now, who doesnt feel that way?? as for greedy, no just know what I am worth. And by the way, the more I make the more toys I can buy. [cool]

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