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I know the guys fishing from boats are snagging a few but I haven't read any reports of anyone drip netting any. That was how it was last year as well, so I'm not sure it's worth the drive up there, anyone having any success?
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See my report I posted this morning (Sunday). I got a limit in about 6 dips this morning. I then tried to give other anglers advice on how I got my limit. Not ONE person listened and they ended up being frustrated with very few fish.
On open water years you absolutely MUST keep a low profile or the fish will swim around you. I knelt in the water about 5 feet from shore. The water was about 6" deep. I then put my dipnet in about 18-24" of water. I stooped over and then the cisco would come right over my net. All I had to do was lift it straight up. Get away from other anglers too.
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[quote BearLakeFishGuy]
I then tried to give other anglers advice on how I got my limit. Not ONE person listened and they ended up being frustrated with very few fish.
I never understand people not willing to learn from someone who is having success. We had a discussion on this very subject yesterday, as we traveled to our fishing destination.
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Hi Curt , I've been up here at Bear Lake all weekend. I'm going over to Cisco Beach in a bit to try my luck my luck before heading home. I'll post a report of what happened when I get home.
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Thanks for the info Scott, how early did you get there? Did you tell those know it alls that you were the fish biologist there at BL? I think that is a common problem with a lot of folks, not wanting to listen to someone else.
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Well I went to Cisco beach today , I got there way late . I did get out in the water and managed to net 6 Cisco today. Going back early tomorrow to try it again. Beautiful Day today up here. The Cisco are running most folks that I had talked to got their limits very quickly.
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Did you end up going back out cisco netting Dan? Ira and I got up there yesterday and got our limits. Talked to Bearlakefishguy when we arrived, he gave some secrets to his success, thanks Scott. We fished where he indicated and although we did not catch out limits as fast as he did we did get them. Tried some casting for some bigger fish but no luck, then we went over to the State Parks marina and it was pretty much iced in, right outside the harbor, tried some casting there but ice was causing too much problem. Pretty nice day up there, just a little cold, about 14 degrees when we arrive around 7:30 am and got up 24 when we left around 10 am.
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Hi Curt , BDuck and I are heading back up there in the morning . Hoping to get our limits . I'll post our results when we get back.
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Should be pretty good still, they were in there pretty thick at Cisco beach. Should be a little warmer too.
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So when you say iced in, can a boat be launched and a guy get out to the rock pile on Friday when i go up?
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Keep me posted Dan, im heading up Friday as long as we can launch and get out
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As of today you can launch and make it out of the marina no problem. You may need to break a little thin ice, but it will be no problem at all.
The real concern is the ice sheet that has developed and blown down by the rockpile. As of today, people were still able to fish the rockpile, but the sheet was over about half of the rockpile. Who knows what it may be like on Friday. You will be able to launch at Cisco beach or first point and fish those areas if needed so there will always be an option by the end of the week.
Also, if you fish right on the rockpile, (41-45 feet deep this year) you will get mostly just ciscos and not too much else, but once you get close to your limit of ciscos then move just off of the rockpile on the east and northeast side of it in 56-62 feet of water and the fishing for Cutts, Lakers and Whitefish will be MUCH better than on the "pile" and you will still get some ciscos there as well.
Good luck when you come up!
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Awesome Mike, thanks for the info. Will be up and give it a whirl. If you see something different, post up please, i will check back Tomorrow night and hear from AFDAN also.
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You know how the wind is always blowing up there, sometimes worse than other times. One day there is ice but the next it could be gone. It was pretty calm that morning but there was a boat trying to launch while we were there and they gave up but it looked like two other boats had gone out earlier that day because there wasn't a boat on their trailers and they were not in the marina but I'm not sure they were able to get back in because the ice was packed into the channel pretty good. All I can say for sure is there is a boat dock out at first point and that area was clear of ice, looked like you could easily launch on that side and go across to the Rock pile, if you can't get out at the State parks marina.
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We will for sure evaluate once we arrive
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Bduck and I arrived at Cisco beach about 0630 this morning , there was some fog but it was moving. We went down to the water edge to look for the Cisco but didn't see anything until about sunup. We did get 2 limits after about 35 minutes , the Cisco weren't running thick at all. But they are still there.
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