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Willard DWR walleye spawning
[#0000FF]I asked Chris Penne (DWR) about the status and results of the annual walleye egg-taking at Willard. Here is his reply. Thanks Chris.[/#0000FF]

"The walleye spawn has been really good. We're sitting at around 20-22 million eggs collected. We don't really have a target number of eggs anymore due the fact that how many eggs we need is ultimately determined by what the hatch rate is on the eggs we collect and how many 100% triploid lots we produce for the waters in the Colorado River drainage. With the 20-22 million eggs, we're in a pretty good place and are starting to wind down our operations. We're seeing less fish in our nets now and more bycatch, so it's a good time to wind down. Judging by fish numbers and condition, we're definitely on a downward trend now on the spawn and I'm thinking there's about 1.5 weeks left to the walleye spawning activity.

We had more walleye per net this year and the fish were the fattest that we've seen them. Fatter fish meant more eggs and milt per fish and more efficiency, which was a great thing as we have had to cancel a lot of days of netting this year due to all the wind and storms.

Also, Willard just got stocked this week with its first batch of fry. That stocking was about 300-400K fish. More fish will be stocked in the coming weeks as the other lots hatch. We've got a quota of 1,000,000 fry and should have no problems getting those produced and stocked.

As for the Willard report - we're still behind on it and it won't have any more opportunities to work on it until the spawn is over, so it may still be a while.

Thanks for sharing that with us Pat. I was going to Email Chris but since you have him on speed dial[Wink] maybe you can ask him this question. There was a article in the Standard Examiner on Sunday about the DWR planting sterile walleye in Willard, can you ask Chris to confirm this or deny this? Here is a pic of that article.
Fake News as I have discussed this with Chris in the past. Why put sterile Walleye into Willard as that’s where the get their eggs from. Now Echo is getting Sterile Walleye to combat the fertile ones they found a year or so ago.

So I’m hinging my wager on Standard got the story wrong.
[#0000FF]I agree with K2. DWR is not likely to plant only sterile walleye back into waters from which they depend for taking fertile eggs.
[#0000FF]But, I have sent a query to Chris for confirmation.
I figured as much but before i call the news paper and complain about their fake news, I thought going to the source would be a good idea[Wink].
I have suggested several times to the SubStandard Exaggerator that they would be well served by printing a "C" section to their morning flyer. It could be called the Corrections page, or more properly "Stuff We Screwed Up Yesterday." Some days, it would be the thickest section.

They have not responded.
I could not agree more Rocky, they have earned that title SubStandard Exaggerator. IMO they were not listening to what the DWR folks said or they lumped all the info into one statement and got it all wrong, either way, I'd be surprised if Chris tells us they(SE) are correct.
[#0000FF]We shall await Chris's response with "bait on our breath"...or whatever.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I suspect we all know what the answer will be.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Not no...but HELL no.
You made me LOL with the "SubStandard Exaggerator." And I seldom LOL, am just slightly bemused or something like that when I read something humorous. I even shared it with my wife and she Smiled.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
I spent 15 years of my life dealing with the "news media" from the local rag to and including Walter Cronkite and I can say without a shade of hyperbole that they are the most poxed, unscrupulous, lying mass of vermin to ever soil the planet. And that's their good side.
Tell us how you really feel rock...[cool]
[#800000][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I think you give them WAY too much credit Rocky. 😁
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
[#0000FF]I sent Chris the copy of the newspaper article and asked for confirmation that they goofed. Here is his response.[/#0000FF]

"That's correct, they made a mistake. We only stock fertile walleye back into Willard since it is our brood source. Kind of stinks when the papers make mistakes like that, but I realize the reporters have got a lot of info to absorb in a short amount of time. Not to mention, with all the layoffs and staff trims at these papers, many of these journalists are now one-man or one-woman operations where they are both taking notes and taking the pictures.

Thanks Pat, sure glad the SE was wrong and thanks Chris for the real story.

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