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Daddy daughter Berry day
Got out to the berry about 9am today, quite a bit later than I’d like but when your 3 year old won’t let you leave the McDonald’s play place what do you do!! We only pulled in one cutt in the 2 hours we were there and had no luck trolling through the narrows. Wind kicked up and I decided we had had enough fun for the day. Cutty bit on a green squid with a silver dodger. He weighed in at 3.79 lbs and was 22.5” long.
Nice fish! Daddy-daughter time is special and I'm glad you had a good time. I was hoping I could join you but I just couldn't jam it into my schedule. Maybe another time?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
If the wind would’ve played nice we would’ve stayed a while longer and since it was just the two of us I was in no hurry out either that could’ve helped. I have tuesdays and Thursdays off so there will be plenty more trips in the future we’d be happy to have you!
Looks like you had fun. We’re headed out there this morning to try the Soldier Creek side.
Good luck out there today I’d like to try that side next time, I’ve been hearing good things
You did the right thing by letting her play longer and then going fishing. Well done.
Any luck out there today Kev? I’d like to get my old man out there hopefully sooner than later!
It was very slow. We fished for about 5 hours and got one medium salmon on the soldier creek side. Finally went over to the strawberry side and got a few cutts and rainbows. We didn’t see many fish and didn’t mark any schools. It’s incredible how slow it has started this year at Strawberry compared to how good the Kokanee bite was last year. Hopefully it will improve as the weather and water warms up. We fished from 5 feet down to 60 feet, tried a variety of presentations, speeds, scents, movements, you name it...
I have some time off at the end of the month and was planning to camp and fish for a few days at strawberry, but now I’m thinking I’ll probably head back up to the Gorge instead.
Yeah all the reports I was hearing were that the fish are incredibly spread out. I was in 90’ down to like 45’ trolled about halfway through the narrows and then turned around and headed out cause of the wind. Did the weather hold up or did you get some wind? I am going out to the gorge over 4th of July, I’m dreaming of pulling in a 30lb Mack haha
Yeah, the wind was calm and weather great.
Well atleast the weather was good!! We went out to Rockport today took my dad and my niece and nephew. My dad hasn’t caught a fish on a boat since he had his boat 15-20 years ago so he was pretty pleased to land a 19” 2.2 pound Brown.
That’s awesome. Was good to get my dad back out also, after a 12-15 year hiatus. I hope I never go through that phase in my life...[Wink]
Hahaha ain’t that the truth!!

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