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[#0000ff]Had a complicated week...with commitments and wacko (hot) weather. Had a small hole in my schedule this morning so made a short shot on Utah Lake. Met fellow tuber Pa at Lindon and we were both launched by 6 am. Sure is getting lighter later.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Air temp 65 and water temp 75...after the thunderstorm of the previous night. Wondered if it might affect the fish. If it did, it wasn't negatively.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Saw a few marks in the 6' water inside the harbor but got no love on pitched plastics. Ditto at the harbor entrance rocks. Headed south to the bubbleup and caught a couple of white bass early on small plastics dragged behind my tube while my electric was on max speed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Someone has been messin with the marker buoys on the pipeline. Some missing and others way off the pipe. Tough to find the structure but no matter. Nothing but bitty whities there to pester anyway.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Moved out a ways and started soaking a big chub minnow. Game on. For the next three hours Pa and I both kept pretty busy with playful kitties. Best depths were 5-6 feet...on both sides of the pipe. He was fishing fligs, white bass and perch meat. I fished the chubs and also some white bass on fligs. The cats were agreeable to all.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We both needed to make a short day of it so we were back at the ramp by 11. Lee had managed 11 feisty kitties and I guesstimated I had exercised around 20. Most fish were in the early 20's (inches...not pounds). Several two footers. My biggest was a cat-tankerous 27 incher that wanted my bait but didn't want to join me in the tube. It was almost 10 minutes before it let me see its ugly face.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nice weather, good company and plenty of bent sticks and stretched string. A good day.
[/#0000ff] [signature]
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Same thing here. I made a "speed run" to the Knolls and found fast action all morning. Hefty cats with bad attitudes but biggest was a 28 incher. Caught mine on wb either dragged or dragged on a flig. Lots of nice fat cats but cannot find the big ugly males. Maybe they are night feeders only, or, maybe still baby sitting??
Nice day with calm seas, 75 degree water. Looked like 3-4 boats at/near the island. Soon....
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Did you launch at the marina or go native further south ?
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Fun day for sure. It was great that no power squadron was there. The adjustment on the rod trees was perfect. Thank you sir. That purple perch flig is wonderful. I really liked the Gorilla fligs also. Very easy to remove. All my fish were caught between 5 and 6 ft also. Took a minute for me to find them but I did find them. Did I mention how much I like those rod trees? Some of my pictures were trash cause I was being stupid and took them facing the sun. Guess my grandkids are right I am fun to watch. Thanks foe another great trip Pat. Echo calling?
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Good info there Pat. Son and I gonna give Lindon a try Saturday morning, early.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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[#0000FF]I thought I detected a change in the force. It was you upon the same lake. It's a wonder we both had good action.
[#0000FF]Always nice to share the lake with ya, even if'n I don't know about it at the time.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]'Tis the season for nighttime cattin'...and skeeters.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Saw some 2" white-ettes at Lindon. The predators have a good new food supply. But the bigguns still prefer bigger portions.
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[quote Fishhound]Did you launch at the marina or go native further south ?[/quote]
[#0000FF]With my motor, battery and aging body I gotta have a ramp. Never make it anymore at the little park...even with the handicap ramp.[/#0000FF]
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[quote Tin-Can]Good info there Pat. Son and I gonna give Lindon a try Saturday morning, early.[/quote]
[#0000FF]I'll shoot you a PM with some extry intel...and maybe a map with all the fish spotted for you.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]There seemed to be two main "zones" where most of the fish were hanging out. Kitty city. Once we moved out of the active fish it was a lot slower. But you guys might have to move a bit to find them on your trip.[/#0000FF]
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[#0000FF]Yeah, a good had was timed by all...or whatever. Glad you made it back from Reno in time to do it.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]You got away with my only "beta test" purple perch fligs. Glad you had a successful R&D session. As I told you, they were made on the standard light wire hooks for perch and walleyes...not for those nasty Utah Lake catfish. I have already started making up some on 2X strong steelhead jig hooks. And I can also make some up on the gorilla flig hooks...but I can make them a longer and thinner body to look more like the perch. See pic.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Happy we got the rod trees adjusted right for you. They really make a difference on a float tube when you are using two least one of which is dragging a bait or flig. I do manage to come up with a good idea once in a while...after I snort enough smelly jelly.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]After you get back from your next trip we can take a look at Echo. And Starvation should be doable after Labor Day. Until then it is like fishing on the freeway.
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All those sizes sound great Pat. All would be great. And thanks much.
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I want to order up some gorilla fligs on a 4/0 hook.
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[#0000FF]The "standard" gorilla flig is on a 5/0 Matzuo hook that is 3X strong.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF][inline "GORILLA FLIGS.JPG"]
[#0000FF]But I also make some larger sizes on almost any size hook up to 8/0. Lemme know if you want to come by for a looksee and I will get you my address and directions. I live in Taylorsville (west valley area of Salt Lake)
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Nice work! It sounds it was like really good for a quick trip!
Between you guys, BLK and us we we almost had them surrounded on Thursday. Julie and I went out of Provo. Same story, lots of hungry, fiesty cats. Found them in 10 FOW early and again in 4 FOW near the reeds near lunch time. Our best for the day was another wall fish at 27.5"
It was some of the fastest and steadiest catching I've seen.
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[#0000FF]I think you are right. The kitties are really on the prowl at UL these days. And while it would be nice to be catching some bigger (contest) fish, I have had all I can handle with some a bit smaller. They are very active and fight long and hard in the warmer waters of summer.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I was doing some reflecting a couple of days ago, about some of the catfish fishing I have experienced around the country. I have caught lotsa double digit (poundage) cats...channels, blues and flatheads. But I cannot recall any waters I have ever fished that produced more consistent action on decent sized fish. Even Utah Lake in years past was not as good as it seems to be now. Always good...but today it is cat-tastic. I'll settle for that.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]There ARE some over-thirties (inches) in Utah Lake. But they are the final remnants of once abundant year classes that have been whittled down by attrition...death both by natural causes and angler harvest. And, as the old saying goes "They don't get big by being stupid". Most of those hefty fish have had close encounters of the angler kind and have learned from the experience. Some are just products of changing feeding habits and habitat preferences. For whatever reason, they are either not properly pursued by anglers or they choose to shy away from anything their "cattie" senses tell them is not quite right.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]There has been a great increase in the number of folks actively fishing specifically for catfish in recent years. I'd like to think I can take some of the blame or credit for that. But the good side of that is that more people are releasing a high percentage of the cats they catch, so there is not nearly the amount of angler harvest that there would be on many other waters. Ultimately that should lead to more big fish in the ecology. SHOULD.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Glad you and your spouse are getting to spend some quality time on the water together this year. Sounds like she has caught "catfish fever". It ain't terminal (usually) but it may last a lifetime. Some problems are better to have than others.
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Quote:And while it would be nice to be catching some bigger (contest) fish, I have had all I can handle with some a bit smaller. They are very active and fight long and hard in the warmer waters of summer.
No kidding. I've been out about once a week this summer and I literally have cat fishing elbow!
Quote:There ARE some over-thirties (inches) in Utah Lake.
I know they are still there. Last year I went back through my logs and tried to estimate how often I ran into cats 30" or longer in UL. Comparing that to the approximate numbers of cats I'd caught each season, I estimated that I get a 30" class fish about once in 100 cats landed. So I set my goals for this year accordingly. I set out to catch 300 cats hoping that would lead to 3 fish 30" or longer. I am well on my way to the first goal and way, way behind on the second. (and it has been a blast!)
I do keep tweaking things a bit each trip to find the right combination to yield larger fish, but I am mostly hoping the law of averages will catch up with me before Oct 15[  ]
Quote:There has been a great increase in the number of folks actively fishing specifically for catfish in recent years.
I had a friend in my office about an hour ago. He reads a facebook page about UT hunting and fishing and he said there has never been as much "chatter" about UL catfishing as this year. He thinks the carp reduction efforts should get credit for the increased catch rates/interest.
I told him the cats like YOY or dead carp just fine, so I wasn't sure if the reductions had a big impact on the cats numbers. I told him the most notable thing I see from the carp numbers reduction is a lot of BIG carp. Years ago most adult carp I saw/caught were about 5 pounds. No it is hard to find one under 10 pounds!
Quote:I'd like to think I can take some of the blame or credit for that.
You can take a lot of the blame for my increased interest in catfish!
Quote:Glad you and your spouse are getting to spend some quality time on the water together this year.
Thanks! We have fished together more this year that the first 35 years of our marriage combined. It is really great to see her interested and having fun.
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"So I set my goals for this year accordingly. I set out to catch 300 cats hoping that would lead to 3 fish 30" or longer."
[#0000FF]Don't overthink this stuff. Catfish happen. It's a lot like walleyes. Most walleyes are caught by anglers fishing for something else. And a lot of the biggest cats are HOOKED...if not fisherfolk who are not expecting and not prepared for big fish. That is why a lot of the larger fish we bring in are trailing broken leaders or have one or more hooks in them.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]On the other hand, there is an old saying "Good things come to he who waits". In other words, if you keep putting in the effort the laws of average should reward you in time. Whether or not it works out to be 1 in a hundred...or more...or less...who cares? In the meantime you are having a great time and honing your skills so that you are better prepared to do battle with a biggun when it comes along.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I personally believe that it is better to gear up and fish with positive expectation for the fish you are hoping to catch...rather than to simply "chuck and chance it". Most seasoned anglers believe that you will always do better fishing with a bait or lure in which you have confidence...and to stay attuned to what is going on at the other end of your line. Then you will be properly prepared to set the hook and to safely subdue that monster when it does come around.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I'd like to say that I believe that patience and persistence will always be rewarded. Unfortunately I have been on too many trips where some newby or complete fishing doofus ended up catching the most and/or the biggest fish. Sadly, I have too often been the guy who was properly outfitted, greatly experienced and with vast (half-vast) knowledge...who got handed his fishing hat by someone else who just didn't deserve it. Whimper whimper.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]In short, it is unrealistic to expect that we will be rewarded in direct proportion to the amount of time and effort (and money) we put into our quests. But when it comes to catfish, the journey is its own reward.[/#0000FF]
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Thanks for the words of wisdom!
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I really like your write ups and how you share your vast knowledge so freely. I really enjoy your play on words, makes me  , chuckle, and even laugh out loud at times. You're a legend.
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[#0000FF]Thanks for the kindly words. Glad you appreciate my efforts.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]For what it's worth, you got my respect for your success with the kitties (and other species) too.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Keep on keepin' on.
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I would love to put a radar gun on you in that tube of yours to determine just how fast you can kick that thing !! I bet you can get up to .025mph on your best day !! Nice looking kitties TD..