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2019/2020 Ice Challenge Skunked Again
Well, stupid is as stupid does.... got 1.75" of ice on my pond, so I ran out during lunch and tried it... I only put one foot through at the edge where a muskrat had an active run going, but got my first GSF to start the season... didn't have my measurement tool, but it was no contest winner either... Fun to get started, and yes it's too thin the ice was cracking and sinking under me so I was standing in a puddle of water on the surface and I didn't dare go out past knee deep water in case I fell through, but probably my earliest panfish through the ice... 1 November 2019
In Benson and it was a Green Sunfish Length about 4"
November 1, 2019
Benson (Cutler back slough)
Green Sunfish 6.5”
Crappie 6.5”
Perch 7.5”
Wet foot from going through ice check

Nice panfish collection!

[#ff0000]Green sunfish - 6.5
Black crappie - 6.5
Yellow perch - 7.5[/#ff0000]

You didn't waste any time getting on the board! Nice. My sled is full of duck hunting gear and my ice rods are buried in the back of the garage. I'm not even ready to hit the hard deck yet.
Nice! That was a quick start. Not a bad day when you're already bumping your entries on different trips on the same day. Keep them coming
Way to get on it! You're wasting no time getting on the board.
Crappie 7.0”
Probably the last of early ice it’s opening up tonight glad I got on it this morning. Later J

[#ff0000]Black crappie - 7[/#ff0000]
I’m pretty sure it’s over now till it gets cold again. I was just a little ice crazy and didn’t have time to hit Henry’s or the Unitas this weekend so I tried the close stuff. As you can tell there’s no size in them but was fun to get them on the short rods. Got a pheasant hunt in too this morning so I had a great day. Thanks Jeff
When it’s close to home it’s easy to make quick little trips. Just wish there were more than minnows in this area. Looks like the warm up is going to shut me down already, but those Idaho boys on Henry’s really nailed them today and other friends in the Unitas got a smorgasbord of trout today so there may be a few spots we can start now. It’s too early though we still haven’t been after whitefish at Bear Lake and the fall trout run is just starting so ice fishing is kind of wrong, but fun anyway. Later Jeff
Hey Ron, I just seen an opening and knew if I didn’t get right on it, it would be over. As of tonight part of the area is open water again, but in the shade there’s still a band of ice that stays thick enough to fish early in the mornings. Was actually at 2” this morning but as much as it melted today, I doubt it will be thicker tomorrow. Guess I need to find somewhere else to try next week. Later Jeff
Yep I'm excited to get out. Henrys and Bear Lake are on my list to ice fish sometime. Hopefully BL caps over enough to get on it. Good luck on your Henrys trip
Thank you, and I sure hope we see ice on Bear Lake this year. I think it’s been two open years so let’s hope it ices over for a few days anyway this year. I love ice fishing the big pond. When we head up north I’ll give you a heads up. Jeff
Perch 10.5”
Rainbow 11.5”

[#ff0000]Yellow perch - 10.5[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]Rainbow trout - 11.5[/#ff0000]
LMB 9.5”.
Just a mini but last year I don’t think I found a bass so better than nothing. Later Jeff

Nice mini Largemouth bass! Bass can be tough to come by through the ice.

Largemouth bass - 9.5

Congrats! I am officially jealous now. I've been trying for two years to catch a bass. Well, this is really just the start of the Challenge this year. I'll just have to redouble my efforts.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Seemed like the harder I tried the less I’d find, but occasionally they come by accident. I was playing with perch when this one grabbed ahold. No crappie today though. Don’t know what happened to that great big batch of 7” crappie that were in Newton three years ago, but I sure can’t find them anymore. Man I wish we had a good crappie pond in this state. Guess I’ll have to hope Pineview has some good ones this year. Later Jeff
I know what you mean about finding a good crappie spot. I thought I could at least get on the board at UL since joatmon and Hook_set didn't have any problem and I have been literally fishing through the same holes. Is Pineview the best we have?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
15” rainbow

Rainbow trout - 15
Hey Craig, for ice fishing, Pineview probably is the best crappie spot I know of close by. I fish Cutler, but its very few and very far between... and since it's so shallow, there are no patterns or spots to find them, you have to hope they cross your path.. Later Jeff
Crappie Blk 9”

Looks like he sucked his lip in when I took the photo, I thought it was 9.5 but the nose doesn’t touch the board and I’m not sure there is enough over to make up the difference. But I’ll find a better one. Later Jeff

[#ff0000]Yeah, I'm sure you'll get a bigger one. We'll go with 9" for this one.

Black crappie - 9[/#ff0000]

Crappie 12”

Begging favors I forgot my card so it’s not in the photo. Hope you can still score it. I need help taking pictures too, this one was over 12.5 but photos only show about 12.25. Need a lighter bump board so I can take it on these light trips. Thanks J

[#ff0000]yeah, I think we can let this one slide for 12".[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]Black crappie - 12[/#ff0000]

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