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Utah Lake 1-21-20
Looking at the weather and all the rain we wont get to ice fish it much longer, I hope anyway[Wink]
I've had a hard time with crappie to, I can find perch, gills and WB,
[Image: download.jpg]
Yep, that rain will melt the ice really fast.
[quote kentofnsl]Had I caught one more crappie I would have caught one.


Haha! Or you'd have had a crappie fishing trip.
How thick is the ice, does it go past the boat dock?
Looks like enough to make it a fun 1 1/2 hours. A little fun is better than no fun at all! Thanks for the report and the picture.
[quote Hook_set]

How thick is the ice, does it go past the boat dock?


Ice is ~ 4 to 5 inches thick, but as warm as it has been and with the rain it will go fast. It goes to about the end of the dock, but likely not safe out very far.
Ice depends on which marina you are at. AF has ice out to past the second boat dock. The ice around the two outer docks is 2-3 inches, but not walkable. The two docks by the launch ramp have 3-4 inches, but again, I would not walk on it. Timp Marina is completely iced in and you can walk over there from the AF harbor ramp, but again, not real sure on how safe it is now !! Stay on the docks to be safe !!!

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