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Utah/FG Laker record broken
(08-12-2020, 07:57 PM)onepointseven Wrote: WOW ! where to start
first of all congrats to the new record holder on a huge fish very exciting. There is so much negativity and bad press involved with this post and on the media about this young man harvesting a trophy fish and a new record and yes it is the new record there are  apparently many record fish that have been caught but for 33 years not one has been turned in so this fish is indeed the new record. 
Question ? Do anyone of the "sportsmen" posting here even know this young man well enough that you can use words like uneducated or ignorant or as Mr Williams so eloquently stated that he seen a pic of the  _____ holding it.   
another member posted that they see him over there and he usually is catch and release so i have another question how does anyone on here know anything about him or how many fish he catches and releases or how educated he is about the lake or the lake trout or how often he is there fishing good heck maybe everyone should pile on because of his clothes USA Today and Fox News did.
Bottom line is he was perfectly legal in keeping it and good on him for catching a beautiful fish 
it is interesting to me that a fisherman can get ripped like this for keeping a big fish but if you offer 3000 $ first place in a tournament 350 teams sign up right quick to kill lots of big fish or how about everyone go out on the spawn beds and snag a few.
i have  been fishing the gorge for 40 years and every year there are plenty of big fish to be caught by everyone the gorge is managed by real biologists on both sides of the lake so if they didn't want any big fish killed they would stop it. 
Mr Trubbs yes there are lots of really good pics of this fish several were taken at both lucerne and at buck board marinas and on the water but i haven't had time to get them off my phone yet we have been busy getting all the info to the  UDWR and getting the fish to the Taxidermist The young man holding that fish is my son and i was holding the net and running the camera. Those people who know me or see us over there know how many big fish we turn loose in fact that very day we turned loose three other fish over 30 lbs. we will be over fishing again soon if ya see us stop by and we can discuss it Big Grin
Well said and concrats to your son and you for netting and catching a once in a life time fish. In this world we live in, there will always be those naysayers , those that will say everything you do is wrong, try not to worry about them, if possible, because there are many many others that are on your side and would love to be in your son's shoes. If you are interested in posting any of those pics, please send me a PM and I'd be glad to help you get them posted.
Congratulations to your son and good for him, i would have done the same thing!!

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