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Another pruess thread
Big Grin 
Well I'm back in garrison, unlike last time I actually grabbed 2 rods and a can of worms for this trip so I don't have to use my bacon as bait, its been raining and flooding alot out here so im sure the lake is colder then usual with all the run off but still gonna give it a try probably Saturday day and Sunday morning for a bit, ill post my results here!
[Image: 715.jpg]
If you catch one of them in your photo at Pruess, well, in the words of Bug Bunny, " musta took a wrong turn at Albuquerque "
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
Looking forward to your report.
Had a few minutes right now so went and threw in a line, 7 channel cats, 1 mirror carp, and 1 chub, 12 worms gone in about 20 minutes, saved the chub for bait for tomorrow

[Image: 20210730-123805.jpg]

[Image: 20210730-115520.jpg]

[Image: 20210730-120727.jpg]
Cool. Still intending to get out there on day...
I'll be back opening weekend of the archery hunt. I might have time to cast out a line one day

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