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Flaming Gorge for 3 nights
The wife and I left are house at 2 AM  got to park city could not see the road. (because it was raining so hard). got behind a truck and stayed there for about 100 miles.
If he went 70 are 40 mph I stayed behind him.
got to buck board no rain some wind, we got  are limit but took us till 12 noon. at 6PM  met my Son he brought 5 with him and his new 24' wake boat
so next day fished for lakers they had never caught one are seen one. they got two it takes some time for a 12 year old to real one in fished for them for two hours.  top secrets what I use 2" spoons  I make. blue and white on one side and the other side I use a glow light aqua blue.

[Image: DSCN2763.jpg]
and my home made 10 lb. downrigger balls, we let them drag the bottom trolling 2.2 mph.

[Image: DSCN2761.jpg]

she is my youngest granddaughter 12 years old.

[Image: DSCN2762.jpg]
did not fish alot for kokanee but they were hard to get to bite,  we did catch some big rainbows trolling for kokanees. did not keep them.

you guys know me  I start early.

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some fun times playing.

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Hey Robert -- nice pic of granddaughter with a good laker... sounds like a pretty good trip...
Looks like a great trip and great pics, lots of different activities. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Do those 10# weights you made drag back as much as a pancake ball? I have been thinking about making some.
(08-05-2021, 06:01 PM)Jonesy84404 Wrote: Do those 10# weights you made drag back as much as a pancake ball? I have been thinking about making some.

about 5 feet going 2.2 mph
Them young ladies look right pleased be out chasn finned critters. Nice to see. You ever hang out late and try for the burbot?
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew

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