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Flotilla 2022
Curt asked me a few questions the other day for the BFT 20 year history and got me thinking.. We used to do a flotilla that was more about meeting up somewhere and going fishing for the morning and then gathering to tell stories over a simple bite to eat... Well that morphed into more of a good excuse for a gathering and more food and talk than the original fishing roots.. I liked both get togethers, but i kind of long for the original simple fishing trip over the more complicated and expensive gatherings of precovid days... What are your thoughts? We typically do a flotilla in May as kind of a kick off to the summer season.... I'm sick of COVID ruining everything and think it's time to get back to living our lives so I'd like to have a flotilla this year, so was wondering what your thoughts are, and if there are volunteers that would like to help with this years flotilla? If we spread out the assignments this can be fun and not too overwhelming for us to do... Let's start a conversation about what we'd like to see and go from there... Thanks Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Ya know we do lots of little gatherings of BFT'ers for fishing days, most are short lead trips with limited participation, should we call those the fishing flotilla's and have the May event be more of the gathering and visit day? The little gatherings sure simplify the logistics and makes for a more fun fishing day, but they don't always give that much opportunity to visit... Is there a need for both? Let me know your thoughts... Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
I like the idea Jeff, were you thinking about going back up to Culter, like the original ones or Willard like the later ones? Seems one even went down to Utah lake, if I remember correctly. Maybe even a hew location Undecided
(02-15-2022, 04:09 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Curt asked me a few questions the other day for the BFT 20 year history and got me thinking.. We used to do a flotilla that was more about meeting up somewhere and going fishing for the morning and then gathering to tell stories over a simple bite to eat... Well that morphed into more of a good excuse for a gathering and more food and talk than the original fishing roots..  I liked both get togethers, but i kind of long for the original simple fishing trip over the more complicated and expensive gatherings of precovid days...  What are your thoughts?  We typically do a flotilla in May as kind of a kick off to the summer season.... I'm sick of COVID ruining everything and think it's time to get back to living our lives so I'd like to have a flotilla this year, so was wondering what your thoughts are, and if there are volunteers that would like to help with this years flotilla?  If we spread out the assignments this can be fun and not too overwhelming for us to do... Let's start a conversation about what we'd like to see and go from there... Thanks Jeff

If it works out for my schedule, this sounds fun. I haven't attended any of these. 
Sounds fun to me.  If the weather cooperates Willard walleye start to turn on in May and the cats are usually active as well.  Another option could be Jordanelle.  Lots of different species to chase.  Trout, kokes, sm bass, perch.  That might appeal to a wider variety of fishermen as there are a lot of warm water chasers on the site as well as a lot of trout/salmon fishers as well.  It is fairly centrally located, maybe a bit far for the cache valley crowd.  Just a suggestion.
Jeff count me in. I'm willing to help with the arrangements. Just tell me what to do, let me lose and hopefully you won't have too much damage to clean up.

Happy to assist however we can... perhaps we can just set up a grill/cook area wherever the spring flotilla is held and attendees can just bring their own food and drink and should it need to be cooked we can have something available for them to use. This way EVERYONE can fish then meet up at a set time to chat and eat.
Curt, I think we decided that a more centrally located spot worked better for more attendance... We were going to alternate between Willard and Utah Lake, but I'm open to other locations like Jig-fisher mentioned as well.. If we stick with the alternating we would be back to Willard this year... Jill and Larry sure appreciate the offer of help, I will be glad to have your assistance... Jill I like the idea of no formal meal, but everyone bring their own and gather to eat a sack lunch or something... Maybe get a pavilion like years past and be able to heat up your own if you want, or stay fishing longer and eat a cold one...

Here's a question, if we did a big pond like say Willard Bay, and this usually means everyone scatters and fishes their own spots, would we like to figure out a means of communicating so we could help others that aren't finding fish come join where others are finding some fish? If so how would we do this best? It's not practical to call everyone, and many don't have phones with real time access to a BFT live posts... Radios have been hit and miss in years past... What do you have as a suggestion? Thanks Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Jeff, if we do Willard I will once again pick up the tab for the pavilion.

Date-wise, the first weekend in May is the new moon, full on the 16th. Mother's Day is the 8th. So...April 30th (Sat) may be the best option.
Thank you Rocky, that is so nice of you to do that... What does everyone think about April 30th? It works better for me actually... We probably ought to get the spot reserved so we don't miss out if others are in favor of this location and date... Thanks again Rocky... Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Yikes, I might have to get a boat or hitch a ride. Don't think my canoe will do the trick on Willard. I do like the idea of getting together. My only participation in the past was picking up garbage at Lincoln Beach with catchinon in the first Covid-shortened year...

jack of all tackle, master of none
Do you go to the north or south marina?
I might enjoy getting out on Willard to join in, and April 30 sounds good..nice to meet some new fishers out there...
(02-15-2022, 08:57 PM)joatmon Wrote: Yikes, I might have to get a boat or hitch a ride.  Don't think my canoe will do the trick on Willard.  I do like the idea of getting together.  My only participation in the past was picking up garbage at Lincoln Beach with catchinon in the first Covid-shortened year...

Not a problem if I can make it. I have a 20' boat and will probably just take my 15 year old if he goes. So I could probably take you and Craig. I just have to get my ducks in a row
Just a thought.  If anybody would like to catch crappies from Willard, having the get together sometime around the second week of May would be better.  Ditto for Wipers.  That is when they are most active in their "false spawn".  Walleye will just be getting started and the catfish will be wide open.  But the last week of April can be iffy.
That's true, Pat. But May 8th is Mom's Day and I understand we took some degree of flak the last time we held the flotilla on that day. And maybe also hurt attendance. May 7th and 14th are Saturdays.

It's up to the members.
(02-15-2022, 11:57 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: That's true, Pat. But May 8th is Mom's Day and I understand we took some degree of flak the last time we held the flotilla on that day. And maybe also hurt attendance. May 7th and 14th are Saturdays.

It's up to the members.
Right ye be.  I guess my outlook is a bit differment from most.  Ya see, my wife is a lady tangler and going fishing on Mothers' Day is good with her.  And for several years, Mothers' Day has been about the peak of the crappie fishing.  Howsomever, with the poor spawning for crappies the past few years it might be unreasonable to expect much from that contingent this year. 

Also, the wiper numbers have been way down and it is not likely there will be a great showing from them this year either.  Good ol' Willard just ain't as good as it used to be.  But still a good place to gather and grub.
We have typically gone to the north marina, it has two nice pavilions that are located close so we can access while close to the water, but if south has good facilities I’m game for there as well. Brett if you don’t want to canoe we typically line folks and boats up so we can include as many as possible. Good chance to meet new friends. Pat like you noted it may not be the peak fishing day, but we usually pick a cold front or rain storm or graduation party so no matter what day we pick we’ll probably have some problems, but even so we usually have always had a good time getting together. Hopefully this year will be like last year and warm up early so the end of April won’t be a snow storm. And it is a good idea to do this before all the pleasure boaters get out in too much force. Besides this will give you something to figure the fish out before so you can pass on what we should try. Not many days when you don’t catch fish at Willard even if it’s only cats. Hope you’ll bring your mobile tackle a torium so I can stock up for the summer. Anyway it’s still a couple months out but I’m looking forward to it. Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
I think Tubedude makes a good point Willard is wide open for Waleye, Wipers and Catfish the end of may beginning of June I would suggest no earlier than 5/21 or on 6/4 to hit Willard at it’s peak.
I've only ever caught i think 5 fish from Willard, I just can't figure that pond out, id probably still show up to see everyone so just say when and where and maybe ill bring the boat and the kiddo!
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