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NOT SURE BUT?.................
I'm sitting here this fathers day morning thinking and reading my usual threads on the internet and I get to this thread/forum. I see that no one has posted a thing since June 15,2022. That includes me but I havent been fishing or done anything exciting so I really dont have much to say, and once you read this, most of you will probably say, you still dont have much interesting to say.

But, what I am about to say, really isnt new to the site and I dont know why or why not people arent visiting as a member and posting much up or even replying to anyone who has a question. I know many more of us have more familiarity about many places where people want to fish than I do, so I just start scratching my head wondering - NOT SURE BUT?.......... Is this site dead? Does it have any life left in it except for a few die hards that come on and make a short post and maybe a reply now and again to what someone says. 

Me, I always check out the site first thing in the morning in my usual tour of various internet sites to see what is going on and it's getting fewer and fewer posts all the time, except like I said except for the few, probably 4 maybe 5 people that come on here and even those usual members are dwindling in what they have to say any more.

I really think that with the uptick of many other sites and their forums, that many who used to be on here have gone over to the other side and we just never hear from them again. I know there is one site that I also go to, I see many of our old compadres there but never here any more. So the question is why?  What has happened here that has pushed people over to other sites that cant be said here? I still sit and scratch my head trying to figure this out and I guess I'm just an old fart that cant put 2 and 2 together because I dont have any ideas why we are dyeing and dyeing fast.

There is one other website that I used to go to all the time when I was able to waterfowl hunt, and it died a quick death about like this is starting to do, way back in March and not a post one on that site since even though there used to be multiple posts daily and some interesting posts to say the least. Not sure if that forum is going to survive or not, but, my concern now is this one. 

In closing, what do the remaining 4 or 5 people left here think? How long are we going to be left here or is it just a matter of quick time before this forum is dead?  To me, I just think its a matter of time and by summers end is my guess, we will die and be gone. I hope not but, with the enthusiasm that there is now, I dont know how anything else can happen.

I wish ya all well and hate to see it go, but, I hope everyone enjoys today with the family and then get back to getting a wet line and you are able to Resurrect this site once again.
IMNSHO the one single event that lost the majority of active members was how poorly the upgrade, to the website, was handled. We were told that it would be a relatively smooth upgrade and that our current usernames and passwords would work on the new forum. The reality was that it took several days to get the forum rolled out, after the old forum was shut down. Then, to add insult to injury, one could not log in using their old usernames and old passwords. It took several days for some, weeks for others and even months for some to be able to log in using their old usernames. The prior forum was one website and the new forum is two websites and if one logs into the wrong website they are unable to access the forums containing the fishing reports. The new forum website was often down and is still not 100% stable. One had to be extremely patient and forgiving to go through all of the necessary steps to remain a member of BFT. In the age of instant gratification most previous members were unwilling to pay the price to join the new BFT.

Once the bloom is off the rose it is extremely difficult to get it back.
I have to agree with you on that. I was lucky enough to get back on in relatively short order, but, I think that is only part of it. Not sure what has happened, but, its really Sad.
I do believe that the website update has contributed to some of the decline, but since then there has been less and less people posting, not sure if they've found other sites or not, but I found there hasn't been a lot of info anywhere for fishing in Idaho, this was the best one, now not sure if people aren't getting out as much due to the high price of gas, myself I've not done much due to work and crappy weather on weekends, now I hear some reservoirs are already running out of water due to the drought. Did post about the walleye being caught in south west Idaho and not even a peep of a reply about it.
I know that there is at least 1 page on FB that caters to SE Idaho Fishing that has a lot of activity all the time. Posts on Ririe and other places around with pics of fishing, what is best to use, where, etc. And, it does have a bunch of active members as it is a member only site but anyone can get it. Heck, they let me in, LOL Smile 

And I have seen several old members from this site on there and they dont post on here any longer so, yes, there are options out there and they are being used. As everyone is saying, I think the owners of this site have a lot of work to do if they want to keep the site up and going much longer, at least for Idaho.

As for no comments on your post about the walleye, I didnt post up just because it is what it is and I know that I have made comments about similar posts before and I tough it out, but, some comments that hit back hard on what get posted, make some I am sure hesitant to make any posts. Thats just a fact of using social media any longer.
I'm still here. I've been fishing in Utah at Willard Bay this spring.  I will post an update on Blackfoot Reservoir.
I live in Utah but spend 75% of my fishing time in Idaho.
Utah and Idaho are 2 of the fastest growing states in the country. More people looking for fishing and recreating. LOTS of my friends are going silent on the internet/social media because of the added people and pressures. If you post about it they will come. And some people are getting burned by it.
I can understand that. I don't ask about how you caught what, just usually looking for some condition info for places that require me to stay overnight, I'll figure out how to catch fish. I don't do Facebook at all.
Well, I think I really found out why these forums are really dying the slow death that has been going on for a long time now especially in the hunting arena. And, I didnt think it would happen here since there is so much water around and it used to be that no matter how many people saw where the fish were at, it didnt have an impact. But, apparently, so many people are finding out that getting out and doing a little fishing brings the family and friends so much closer together and get something great to eat along the way.

I really didnt think that posting information up like some have done in the past, including me, as to what to use, where, speeds, etc would take down a site like this, but, it sure has and I get it. People can just surf the net and view everything we post without being a member, which Id love to see the owners lock down the sites like this one so no one can see what is going on unless you are actually a member and log in. But I dont think it will happen.

This is just an interesting thread that like I said is confirming what I thought and apparently others wondered to but just never asked the question. Thanks folks and I know I appreciate the honest feed back and just hope that maybe the owners will perk up and see what is happening and help everyone out.
(06-22-2022, 01:02 PM)duksnfish Wrote: Well, I think I really found out why these forums are really dying the slow death that has been going on for a long time now especially in the hunting arena. And, I didnt think it would happen here since there is so much water around and it used to be that no matter how many people saw where the fish were at, it didnt have an impact.  But, apparently, so many people are finding out that getting out and doing a little fishing brings the family and friends so much closer together and get something great to eat along the way.

I really didnt think that posting information up like some have done in the past, including me, as to what to use, where, speeds, etc would take down a site like this, but, it sure has and I get it. People can just surf the net and view everything we post without being a member, which Id love to see the owners lock down the sites like this one so no one can see what is going on unless you are actually a member and log in. But I dont think it will happen.

This is just an interesting thread that like I said is confirming what I thought and apparently others wondered to but just never asked the question.  Thanks folks and I know I appreciate the honest feed back and just hope that maybe the owners will perk up and see what is happening and help everyone out.

This is the exact reason that one Utah board went to a private board almost 7 years ago now. Lots of members requested one because of just what you said. The Sad thing is a lot of members want to see the reports but not contribute to it to make it a success, so rules had to be put in place that ensure all members contribute, that are members of this board.
I do believe that you need to put a little work in to actually figure out a place to fish, I've had members on other sites wanting almost gps coordinates to where I've caught fish, and I do know that places can get blown up by people giving out too much info, like this site and have had invites from lots of people to fish, hopefully I can actually get together with some of them.

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