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Hey Bob,
Got Ice one the farm pond this morning... Just in the shallow regions, but it's a start... Cold night in Cache Valley they predicted 23 and I see it's still 25 in Newton and inside my green house it's 29 and the GH is supposed to give you 7 degrees of protection so probably pretty close to the prediction... Underground is predicting 15 degrees later in the week so who knows maybe we'll get ice early this year... pretty sure the tomatoes are toast though... Welcome to the next season... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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Hey Jill, I would have thought you guys were more similar to our temps in CV up the canyon where you live... Guess you are CV plus the greenhouse... Glad you had a great year... Are you still doing the bale gardening? Kind of amazing that works as well as it does... I keep thinking that would be a great way to do potatoes... except it would take a lot of bales to raise enough for a family winter supply... did you ever grow garlic in the bales? Might be a good way to grow big garlic heads...
Well ran out to the GH at lunch and it froze the tomato in the GH last night, not a kill frost, but rolled the outer leaves... Guess Thursday or Friday will finish everything off they are still predicting 15 degrees, so 8 colder than last night will really put a hurt on things up this way... But it sure has been a great fall for us, we usually freeze out a lot earlier than this year... Guess that is why it seemed like such a shock to turn this cold all at once... Probably just normal temps, but since we were used to the 70's it seemed like a big change...
We need to get a response from the deer hunters and see if they are seeing any ice on the high country lakes yet.... You know somebody usually gets first ice by Halloween most years... only a week away... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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You know somebody usually gets first ice by Halloween most years... only a week away... Later J
I'm on it. Buckets are packed.
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19 balmy degrees here this morning. Wood stove weather
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Hey Shawn I don’t doubt that. But be safe I want to fish with ya later on this year. Looking at the snotelle temps it’s not much cooler in the hills than the valley so far. So I’m not sure if the high country will make it to safe ice in a week. Hope so, but it’s going to be iffy. Would be fun to get some hard deck time in. Hard to believe it’s not too far off.
Larry, sounds like you’re getting pretty chilly, good luck Friday morning. You might make single digits. Brrrrr. Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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Not expecting much, but I'm going to go try it this weekend. We'll see
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Good luck, hope you have some ice... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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We can have similar temps although CV will get much colder by mid-winter than us. When I checked out inside yesterday it very warm and steamy compared to outside. Many things have stopped blooming, but we still have many green and of course red tomatoes. Our forcasted lows yesterday were scary but today the forecast was a bit moderated with only one 19 instead 3 night in low teens so that'll be nice to get things down outside.
We stopped the bale gardening as we never had a good place to put the 'used' bales. Instead, we've gone to raised beds and we are even growing in large tree pots that we bought from the nursery, and we can use drip irrigation to water them. Pots also allow us to move them into a garage should an early frost threaten. We also don't have buy more bales each year. The concept works nicely, though.
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I noticed they backed off the cold a little, but still looking at one night of teen temps, so that will be the end of the apples... Think I'll take some time off this afternoon to pick the last ones for cider this year... I did the tree pot tomato this year as well, I moved it into the greenhouse (non-heated) and it still froze... Not dead yet, but leaves are blackening... fruit isn't frozen yet, so I better pick that today as well, won't make tomorrow night... This year is sort of an outlier for us, we usually freeze in September, so making it to Oct. 14th before the first frost was really unusual, so we went from no frost to heavy frost in a much shorter time, so i don't really feel too bad about the GH tomato freezing this soon after first frost, since it's still alive way after they usually are done. Only problem I'm having this year is it kept the work going later and my fishing didn't get to start as soon as usual... I missed the fun fall trolling for trout on Hyrum, hope I still get my veterans day trip in though... Good luck wrapping the season up... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!