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Fish Lake
This post is mainly for those wanting to get kids into fish.
I have been taking different young people to Fish Lake once a week for the last 4 weeks.  We start out spending a couple hrs. dead drifting  catching a few trout. I have then been taking them into the weeds for catching perch.  These kids have been 6yrs. to 70yrs old.  The young ones just love the perch catching.  I watch their fishing skills improve dramatically over a couple hrs.  Being able to see the fish keeps their attention, course catching a fish every couple minutes helps a lot with this. If a person has really any experience at all they can catch one every minute.  If you didn't have to take em off it would be a lot faster.
One of the big benefits is it's a lot cooler.  When we left at 2pm on Fri. it was 74 degrees.
Any size to the perch? Couldn't get anything but dinks when I went. Did get into some huge trout, including a surprise Brown
(07-29-2024, 02:42 AM)BYUHunter Wrote: Any size to the perch? Couldn't get anything but dinks when I went. Did get into some huge trout, including a surprise Brown

It is very rare to catch a good size perch in Fish Lake. They are way over populated.  We do catch some lakers but we have not been fishing for them this year.  No browns so far this year. We did catch a 2lbs Koke while trolling over to perch beds.  We released it due to having our trout limits.  I hope it lived.  I usually don't release jokes as their survival rate upon release does not seem to be that good.

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