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Fallacies regarding lures and other stuff - JMHO
JHMO = Just My Humble Opinion - which says it all when it comes to advice. This may be helpful to less experienced anglers or beginners as well as present ideas never considered by those more experienced.

I know that many of the experienced anglers on fishing forums catch fish based on past experience and disproving what was thought true when it comes to tackle, presentations, how to fish location-types as well as discovering new truths year after year.

Some of those truths are valid for the waters we fish, some not so much. But in general fishing is a learning experience which make the challenge of catching fish worthwhile for me. Granted, live bait is fine dangled under a float, but those days are over especially after years of buying many different lures (most of which are collecting dust) and making my own lures that have caught fish.

Granted, there are exceptions to any rule, but some truths can not be refuted. My suggestions are offered as choices - the more the better - when it comes to catching any species and size. Many of us carry along too many lures (myself included), most never used, some used far more than others. When I fish with someone, I pay attention to what they catch fish using and how they used it. I love adding to my arsenal of proven lures I've seen catch fish with my own eyes. Any of you can kind of do that from the photos I've post of lures on and the fish caught on them along with my opinon the possibility of why they did.

I don't expect this long post to be read by many that either don't like long posts or think new ideas or challenges unnecessary or of little value - especially those that have firm beliefs based on experiences that support them. This is for those that are open to questioning all of the crap that's been shoved down our throats via the media and advertising since lures were first sold.

One thing is clear to me when it comes to fish reacting to unnatural, man-made moving objects that provoke them to strike : fish don't have clue what lures represent
This discounts the match-the-hatch advice accepted by most trout anglers when chosing various fly patterns over many decades. Pure myth! Granted, some lures move and look like a prey animal, but generally speaking the majority do not. You don't need examples if you've caught fish on many lure types and designs. 

But as anything when it comes to fishing facts, there are many lures that excel when it comes to versatility and catching multi-species fish, just as there are many colors of the same lure that can work on the same outing for example. Everything is connected to fish senses - not intelligence. Along with detection by the senses - lateral line, swim bladder and eye (no forward motion) - there are various object motions that fish respond to - whether generated by an animal or a lure. It's in their DNA to detect and maybe strike.

Do fish always strike with the intention of eating the object? In the case of live prey, the odds are high that that is the case. But, eyeing a soft soft plastic lure hopping up & down off the bottom is kind of a stretch though maybe as as a taste test(?). Regardless, the most important thing is that the object provokes fish to becoming the aggressive bullies they are if only for the moment. 

A fish's high momentary aggression level in not the norm - conserving energy is via suspending. One some days and in some seasons (i.e. prespawn), aggression levels are highly contagious when it comes to school fish. (fact: fish don't have a clue when a buddy or buddies were just yanked out of the water right next to them!) Lures and live bait raise aggression levels of inactive fish - simple as that - and provoke a charge & capture reaction; they raise it to the max when fish are active or semi-active.

Regarding fish senses: fish feel and track moving objects via the lateral line, confirming size and shape visually. Color (hue) perception varies based on many factors, but color-brightnes is number 1! What the angler sees in the hand is usually much different than what a fish sees even a yard away unless in clear water under a bright sky. I hue important? Even I have my favorites, but superstition boosts confidence in a lure and I need all the confidence I can get! LOL

Each lure type uses color and color brightness to its visual advantage. 
A chrome colored Rat L Trap flashes and rattles; a shad colored crankbait exhibits a subtle color and brightness - same for pearl colored soft plastics. Both draw and hold a fish's attention long enough for it to either attack it or let it be. Key is holding a fish's attention long enough in an attempt to p.o. that fish into a higher level of aggressive level
Finesse lures do just that with their slow, seductive action that get under a fish's scales like someone or something getting under your skin. The result is the same - a reaction. I don't know what just landed on my neck, but the impulse to swat at it is involuntary same for a fish that doesn't have a clue what that thing (lure) is wiggling near its head after it made that noisy splash. (Fish aren't fond of noise - especially unnatural noise) which is why buzz baits get clobbered by bass!)

Each lure type/ size/ shape / action - by design, can make the difference between catching fish or not. Coupled with that, the presentation that is right for that design allows a lure to do what it is desiged for.  
A faster steady retrieve for example won't cut it using a Fluke but does fine retrieving a blade bait. 

When & where to use a lure design is just as important as what to use. Some lures are more versatile when comes to when, where and how to use them. Keeping track what has caugtht fish and when they caught fish, are guides for the future, which is why I always have a digital camera ready. Photos are downloaded on to my PC in various folders for future reference to prevent me from making wrong assumptions or absolutes of which there a few regarding fish and fishing.

Hope this was interesting (and not too controversial) for some though long. Fishing can be simple or complicated (via the media). Life is too complicated; catching fish shouldn't be.
Great observation and info, I for one find them to be spot on, thanks for sharing them with us. One question, what are your thought on the solar calendar?
Interesting observations.

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