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Cookie hates ice noise - Echo
Not been to good about reports the last while. Will do better.

It has been about 3 years since Cookie has been on the ice in any serious way. I talked her into a trip to Echo. She was very reluctant considering the recent weather but I had been on it a few times in the last few weeks and had checked it the night before I took her. Edges were not to bad. Did require a plank, which she did not enjoy but no wet feet. Were there pretty early. The perch fishing was fantastic and she caught some really nice perch. We used a simple tungsten 1/16 or 1/32 jig with a meal worm and later perch eyes. Nothing crazy. We did use a poking stick to check the ice as we walked but other than right by the shore it was a decent 5-8 inches although it is getting very cloudy. Fished around 28-42 ft for a couple hours. Could have caught a bunch more but we had plenty for our lunch. Had some of her family there. They also caught a good bunch. Had some trout missiles come through. I caught a great underwater film sequence of the perch attacking her nephews jigs and then a trout slamming it. Love my Aquaview camera. 

But my favorite part of this video (see link below) was how loud the ice was that morning. It got crazy loud and had poor Cookie about to go nuts. Some pretty fun clips in the video showing that - although she reminds me it may have been funny to me but was not to her. I ate cold turnips for dinner that night while she enjoyed perch nuggets and corn bread - but she still loves me and will go again.

Its is about over (the ice, not our marriage) but it was fun to get her out before the ice conditions get worse.

enjoy the video. I have three more ice fishing ones if I can just sit down and edit them.
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
I remember the first time I went ice fishing and heard all the moans and groans that the ice makes. It was really spooky to me too. It took a few trips on the ice to finally get used to the noise.

Looks like a fun and fruitful trip. I'm glad Cookie was able to weather the storm and catch some fish. The pictures from the camera are pretty cool to watch. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like the fishing was good.  Great report!
Enjoyed the video.  Now we know what it looks like fishing near a dam --- lots of crevices, lots of snags, but lots of fish.
Great video, thanks for sharing and for taking the time to edit and make the video! It was fun to watch how they strike. It confirms my suspicions about what they often want.
(Yesterday, 03:13 PM)perchinski Wrote: Enjoyed the video.  Now we know what it looks like fishing near a dam --- lots of crevices, lots of snags, but lots of fish.

I was surprised at the amount of snags in the area. I have a a lot of underwater camera footage from that trip. Was a lot of fun to watch the different approaches the perch made and what triggered them to bite and how many times I could see them inhale but my wife or the kids did not feel a strike.

(Yesterday, 05:21 PM)Piscophilic Wrote: Great video, thanks for sharing and for taking the time to edit and make the video! It was fun to watch how they strike. It confirms my suspicions about what they often want.

welcome. It was sure fun to watch them interact with differnt baits and methods
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
Great video.  Really shows how many bites the "average" angler probably misses...especially when the fish are in a neutral or negative mode.  A good argument for having a sensitive strike indicator or using a slip float.

Got a chuckle out of Cookie's reaction to the ice noise.  Reminded me of one of the first ice fishing trips that I took TubeBabe.  It was on Pelican Lake.  The ice was only about 3-4" of absolutely clear ice.  And in many places you could see the bottom very clearly...with or without fish.  It was the first ice of the year and it was very there was new ice forming...very loudly.

We caught a few fish but had to keep moving because the fish could see us too and wouldn't hang around after we caught a couple of them.  I had just drilled TubeBabe a new hole and got her plunked down on her fishing chair.  Suddenly there was a loud boom and a crack zinged right under her chair, between her legs and through her new hole.  Never knew a gal all bundled up in ice gear could jump so high...straight up.  
Enjoyed your video. I wish that my camera's screen was visible outside of a tent.
Excellent video!
(Yesterday, 08:49 PM)TubeDude Wrote: Great video.  Really shows how many bites the "average" angler probably misses...especially when the fish are in a neutral or negative mode.  A good argument for having a sensitive strike indicator or using a slip float.

Got a chuckle out of Cookie's reaction to the ice noise.  Reminded me of one of the first ice fishing trips that I took TubeBabe.  It was on Pelican Lake.  The ice was only about 3-4" of absolutely clear ice.  And in many places you could see the bottom very clearly...with or without fish.  It was the first ice of the year and it was very there was new ice forming...very loudly.

We caught a few fish but had to keep moving because the fish could see us too and wouldn't hang around after we caught a couple of them.  I had just drilled TubeBabe a new hole and got her plunked down on her fishing chair.  Suddenly there was a loud boom and a crack zinged right under her chair, between her legs and through her new hole.  Never knew a gal all bundled up in ice gear could jump so high...straight up.  

nothing like memories to make us Smile - I suppose that is really the reason I do youtube. It is our photo album

BTW I got your message. I will respond this morning
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew

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