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Weber River west of the old highway
Does anyone ever fish the weber west of 1900W (the old highway)? I see cars sometimes off of west 12th street and occasionally in the plain city area. Are there any fish worth fishing for in this area? If anyone fishes it let me know I would like to know more about it.

Tried it once, didnt catch anything. But, it sure looks like there are fish in there.
I fished it years ago. All that I know of that's ever been caught out of there are carp, and I caught a couple of small bluegill. There are probably other fish in there too though. I wouldn't doubt that there are channel cats in there, but that's just a guess.
I have caught a few small mud cats in the riverdale area years ago. I was just wondering if there was anything woth checking out down there.

There is a section of the Weber in Riverdale, by their City Offices, that was reconstructed several years ago. It is now stocked on a regular schedule. Also out west by Plain City and West Weber there are some monster cats. In the area below Wall Ave.I have herd reports of good sizes Browns and Rainbows. I have not found the big ones yet but I have caught 12" to 15" trout there. The area South of 12th St on the old road to Smith and Edwards [SR89?] is fished a lot but I have only heard of carp getting netted there. It is a high visibility area so a lot of people try it. If anyone else has more information on the Riverdale area please post it. DKS
I grew up fishing the riverdale area. I have fished that part of the weber more than I have fished everywhere else combined. It usually has fast fishing for planter rainbows and small browns from riverdale rd up to the golf course as long as the water isn't to high or muddy. I caught a few small mud cats at night in the area behind walmart. I have also caught a few large browns in that area. If you are looking for bait it is pretty easy to snag large suckers just below the golf course. Fish from the east side of the river and cast towards the partly submerged chainlink fence. Hope this helps. Oh yea use standard river gear such as panther martins blue foxes worms and salmon eggs for planter rainbows. If anyone knows anymore about the lower weber please let me know.


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