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what kind of trout do you think i have here? thanks
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Kern River Trout #1Golden Trout# 2
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very interesting...only the trout came from the angeles national forest. but they do resemble golden trout a lot. i'm trying to figure out if they might have some golden genes mixed with rainbow. if so that would be a first ( for the angeles national forest, far from the home range of goldens). i can't seem to find exactly how long a trout will keep its juvenile par markings...i think these trout are at least a year old. tell me why you feel these trout are kern river/goldens please. they also have the same look of juvenile steelhead, but so would a juvenile rainbow. help me settle this, its driving me nuts ! thanks daymere.
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[size 3]I don't know whatthey are...[/size]
[size 3]but they are beautiful, no doubt!! [sly][/size]
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need to see tail fins to know better , but the shape and color and makeing of 2 nd pic resemble a golden trout but they dont ususally have spots..the first was harder to locate as i cant see fins or entire fish but its frontal freatures are close to a kern but maybe a young steelhead?might be a mix of two different types Rainbow Trout- Variable body color, may be more silver in lakes and reservoirs. The raibow has a red-to-pink stripe on its side with irregular spotting. Brown Trout- back is brown or olive with large spots. Sides are light brown to yellowish with large dark spots surrounded by halos of blue-gray. The tail has very few spots. Cutthroat Trout- body color is variable. A red or orange slash on the underside of the jaw. Spotting is more closely grouped towards the tail. Bull Trout- body color is olive green to brown above and on the sides with no wormlike markings. Spots are cream or crimson colored. The tail is slightly forked. Brook Trout- body color is green or blue with wormlike markings. Spots are yellow or pink with blue rings. Lower fins are white tipped and the tail is square. ![[Image: visit.gif?us1081123354]]( ![[Image: serv?s=76001405&t=1081123354]](
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[  ][#804000][size 2] Well my first thought was that it is a hybrid. However, if you look closer at the picture I think that someone was doing a little cut & paste. Those big spots running from head to tail had me . Good try SirHomey.[ ]
[/size][/#804000] ![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3732;]](;postatt_id=3732;)
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Welcome to BFT Sir Homey! They are some nice looking fish, self generated or not!
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I've caught plenty of rainbows that look like that -- i think they were hatchery raised. The par markings can stay until they are that size no problem. In fact, this weekend I was looking through some pictures from when I was 4 years old fishing with my dad at Sandwash Reservoir in Eastern Utah, and the fish I was holding up looked exactly like the ones in your pictures.
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well, now, ahha the big one i was gonna say was one of those ocean specled trout, cause i,ve never seen neither, before,and the little one i was gonna say just a brook speckled, but they both, have that brown marking inside. so i looked at the big one again and thought it had rainbow mixed in vcause of the head, like a mixed breed, so i better say i dont know either. but that little one without the inner markins is alot on the line of my brook speckled. ahha later[  ][  ]which way did he go george?? haha
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[cool][#804000][size 2] Have done a little research and it appears that the golden trout is the only trout species that has the small spots as well as the big spots running from the head to the tail on a horizonal plane. Then again all I know is what I see in the funny papers. ps-daymere was right.[ ][/size][/#804000]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3742;]](;postatt_id=3742;)
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you saying there still gold in them thar hiills? WEE HAA!!
I heard that the state of California was looking to capture spicific native Golden trout for a salvation program, but that was before the current financial feasco'
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[  ][#804000][size 2] Hey there davetclown,[/size][/#804000]
[#804000][size 2] Have you seen the California bear lately? He is looking for some gold![/size][/#804000] [#804000][size 2] His new nick name is Arnie.[/size][/#804000]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3747;]](;postatt_id=3747;)
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I heard there was going to be a change in the republican Icon for Callifornia, I think it was a toss up between the bear and the "Pig" [sly]
has there been any more talk about saving the native golden trout?
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I've caught lots of little rainbows in the mountains of Utah that look exactly like those...and there were no golden trout within many many miles of those waters.
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wow ! thanks for the many replies and all the help ! first, let me say, these pics are not altered in any way. i'm not here to waste people's time, i just wanted some opinions. second, these fish were caught deep in the mountains, high in the watershed, no chance of being hatchery born. the stream is stocked about 7 miles downstream though. like i said, native rainbows do exist in the stream, even steelhead long ago. what puzzles me is how much they look like they have some golden trout mixed in. what i'm trying to figure out is...can rainbows look like this in the early stages of life..and later stages? does anyone with knowledge think, or can tell, if maybe these fish do have some golden in them? if they are partly golden, living so far from the sierra nevada mountains, then i should get some kind of a medal right? ahahahah i kid of course. thanks again for all your help. if you know someone knowledgeable please direct them to my post. happy fishing out there y'all !!
i'll post a pic of a golden/rainbow hybrid i caught in the sierra mnts...a DFG officer identified it for me. notice the bronze belly ( which my 2 previous trout lack) and notice the par marks, which all the trout share. once again, my thanks.
[url ""][/url]
****Mods note: I put the pic in here for you.****
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[#804000][size 2] [cool]Hi there SirHomey, [/size][/#804000]
[#804000][size 2] [blush]Sorry to upset you but your first pictures were kind of questionable. This one 265/3 is a nice clean shot. Definately looks like a young brown to me. I have caught many a rainbow about the size that you are showing in your hand and they looked nothing like that. [ ][/size][/#804000]
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[url ""][/url]
i'm sorry mod, but it'll be a cold day in hell before i can get the damn pics to work.
anyhoo, that is a young brown trout. i can see what you're saying. i caught this brown in the same stream as that golden/rainbow. no par marks on a juvenile brown though.
so far, from what i've gathered from posting, the popular opinion is...those 2 trout are most likely juvenile rainbows with a little added color from their local stream. people have mentioned the par marks may/will fade with time leaving a more "pure" rainbow look
but there's plenty of people in the golden/rainbow camp too
and that 1 guy in the speckled sea trout camp [  ]
keep the ideas coming though i appreciate it. thanks
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naw, i posted those pics on one of them free pic hosting sites. then you just paste the URL. but it doesn't seem to work for my brown trout pic. but i could use a PM on how to post pics pc noob here. thanks
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haha he,s cute! haha [  ]
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I noticed something that is not working in the link that you posted. Maybe you could go back and repaste the link. That usually helps to do the trick.