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No walleye in Yuba
[size 1]From an article in Thurday's edition of the The Salt Lake Tribune, written by Brett Prettyman: [/size]

"Gill nets pulled from the refilling Yuba Reservoir last week contained good and bad news, according to Don Wiley, aquatics manager for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources' (DWR) central region.

No walleye showed up in the nets, which means walleye anglers can pretty much write Yuba off this year. But perch were caught in good numbers.
That means the prey base [the perch] can get off to a good start before the predators show up," Wiley said. If walleye don't return to the reservoir from the Sevier River by next spring, Wiley said the DWR would look into finding some to plant. Wiley said two northern pike over 20 inches were caught and that the fingerling rainbow trout planted last fall are about 6 inches long. The perch and rainbows will provide good fishing until the walleye come on."
Thanks for posting the report Kent. Lets hope the perch get well established, so the walleye will grow fast when they are planted. Do you get a break after April 15th? WH2
curious to know what kind of structure they put in when the water was down,tires,rock piles.,etc.

Yes, I always get a break after April 15th. I am home today, instead of out fishing, because I must complete several income tax returns for my clients -- thus the significance of April 15th.
I went down there several times when they were working on the damn and i saw a lot of rocks being put in certain areas.[Wink] But i think they need a whole lot more structure on that lake.
Hey Ocean, di you mark on a map where they put those rocks, those places will be the spots to fish when the water gets back to normal. later chuck
I went to the walleye seminar at Utah Lake state park. They showed pictures on a slide projector of the rocks being put in place.

So,,,I know where they are. Neener,neener, neener.

Here is a great spot for the shore fishermen.It should be better than before.

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