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Jordan 4-19
Spent a couple of hours at 106th again this morning. 6 suckers, 1 carp, and 2 muds. If anyone is looking for a place to stock up on bait fish ( It will get warm someday ! ) this is the spot. If you are looking for suckers anywhere under the bridge and north is loaded with them.
guess i should have went with ya but the wife was awake when i got home and both twins wantin to play...
What do you use to catch the suckers and Carp? I'm guessing night crawlers? I haven't tried at 106000 South but I did try under the 'new' bridge at 9800 South with no luck. Any info on your setup would be helpful.
All I have been using is a slip sinker and worms. The first couple of time I went I used a pretty big hook. I got lots of bites but very few fish. The last couple of times I used a smaller hook (don't know what size) and it made a big difference. If you go to 106th be careful on the east side of the big pool N. of the bridge. I have snagged up every time I have cast to close to the bank.

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