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Can someone tell me where to go to fish for Trout in Southern California?<br>I will appreciate your input. Thank you<br><br>Matt
The only places my brother-in-law talks about trout fishing in the Los Angeles area are in private lakes. Seems that they stock pretty big fish (5 lbs+) in them. Don't know the details, e.g., where they are and how you can get in.<br><br>
Are you any where near Lake Tahoe?<br>they got some nice ones there. several mountain streams run in to the lake that will produce some trout.<br><br>they even have charters there to go after them lakers (Lake Trout) they get up to 30 inches. <br><br>If you will give me a county I will reserarch it for you if you are looking for something close to home. <br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
I am located in Los Angeles County. Looking for a nice place to fish in southern california<br><br>Matt
here is your answer<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
Lake Dixon And Lake Wolford Are Great. They are outside of Escondido. If you Look at my posting bassin in cali There are now directions to Dixon Posted. They have area maps at the ranger station. Or sign onto they have all the info there. <br><br>Eric Seif
I've been to Crystal Lake.... There was nothing "Crystal" about it. Although the "hike" was nice...damn near had a heart attack. I gotta quit smoking [laugh].<br><br>
Went this weekend to lake Dixon no fish at all, try different baits but nothing. I travel 2 1/2 hours got to the lake and stay until 7:30 pm and no one got a fish. I think the only time that the lake is good for fishing is the day they plant the fish. The lake is beautiful for camping but not for fishing. And believe me I try the trout cove and all over the lake includig the catfish area near the dam but nothing. Everyone came empty hand. But thank you for your information.<br><br>Matt

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