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Fishin' in the dark
Well I took my two boys and a friend of mine out to a farm pond that I know of yesterday evening for some fly fishing for trout and it turned out to be one of the funnest (is that a word?) days fishing I've had for a while. First my ten year old son caught the first fish of the day (18" rainbow) on a dry fly that he tied himself. That was his first fish on a fly he tied by himself.

Later on I was fishing a Chernobyl (sp?) ant with a nymph dropper and had a fish take the dry and while fighting it another fish took the nymph. That's the fourth time in my life that's happened. Even more surprising was that they were Bluegill which I've never caught there before.

The best part however was that after it got dark the moon was so bright that we could see well enough to keep fishing and killed them stripping woolly buggers. What a blast casting by feel and then waiting for the the fish to slam the fly in the dark! One fish exploded on my fly as soon as it hit the water against the far bank. I caught all of my fish on a bugger with a copper body and black tail but I don't know if color mattered much. My friend also caught a LM Bass at this time which was another surprise.

Catching big hard fighting fish by the light of the stars and moon and the serenade of Cranes and frogs on a warm spring doesn't get much better.

thank for the story i wish i enjoyed night fishing as much as you do but it seems when i go the only bites i get are from skeeters
Good Story,
Great that your son caught a fish on a hand tied fly. What an awsome day and night for you guys! Thanks for the story.
Yippe to you and your son! Great job to him on catching a fish on his homemade fly!

I get creeped out wading in the creek after dark. Maybe I should try it anyways.... I have heard the big trout come out then!
man you want to talked about be freaked me and a bubby were out catfishing one night off a dock turn on the flash light and there were spiders everywhere ! and not little spiders but big wolf spiders man talk about heebi jeebi's
Do wolf spiders howl?
LMAO they don't howl but they were so big you could hear them walking up behind you in the dark LOL
Well.....I don't know about wading through a stream after dark. That could be a little dangerous. I've only done it from the shore of a lake or larger river or in my tube but yes the cloak of darkness brings out the larger predators.

Hey Chris,

Have you seen the spiders along the West shore of Utah lake? Not for the faint of heart.

saw pictures last year but i did run into the same thing on the back side of willard one day i have to tell you though you want to see some big spiders go to the pine woods in texas we would be out hunting and these things would make web 15' around they were so big we would shoot them !
Well, I hope my husband never reads this! He won't anyays, but he is petrified of spiders.

Ever hook a bat? I have had them chase my fly and even had one take it, only to drop it in the weeds across the creek. I only wade in creeks that I wade in all day. I know basically where I am stepping, but........I just have a hard time with that dark, running water...even though I know it goes no deeper than the tops of my knees!

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