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here is the winnwer for the month of june
the votes were close but a couple of last minute votes pushed FISHERMOM over the top thanks everyone who summited a story and took the time to send in a vote no contest this month but look for another next month for sure
OH MY! This is so way cool!!!

I lost my generic leatherman like took last month when I went swimming

with that carp in the creek! I keep telling David that I need to get a new one!

Thanks so much!! SO many people have told me how much

they loved this last fishing story/article.

Everyone wants their wife to read it,

and I have even heard from some other Fishing Mom's!

Thanks again! It was fun to write and oh so true about fishing!
Congradulations Susan!
Way ta go!
[Smile][cool][cool]yessa that,s cool. i gave mine to jack fer christmas and i loved it used it fer everythin! you,ll use it fer fishih the best though have fun fishin,. i,m gonna too. later[Smile]
[size 3]I got my tool today and it's PERFECT! [/size]

[size 3] I love it, thanks you so much! [Smile][/size]
while it lacks alot that the bigger tools have i think the size is just right TO CARRY IN YOUR JEANS WITHOUT PULLING THEM AROUND YOUR ANKLES
And Chris...that is DEFINATELY a good thing!
if your a redhead who burns easy like me its for sure a good thing
[size 3]haha Chris..I am not real red, it's more of a red tint.. [/size]

[size 3]I don't burn easily... but that area might![/size]
Congrats FisherMOM. You do have some good stories on this board. I'm glad they come with pictures too. They help to prove your success.
Thanks tuben2! You gotta love digital cameras!
i've been yhinking of getting a digital but as i have a scanner i just can't justifiy getting one at present

another plus at present is if my puter should ever crash ( gasp ! god forbid ) i have all my pics still
Hey Chris what you should invest in is a CD burner. Then you can burn all your pictures to CD and then even if your computer crashes you'll still have them all backed up on Picture CDs. The benefit is that you don't have to buy rolls of film for $3 a roll, then pay to develop them for another $5 a roll. It adds up pretty quick. You'll have paid for that digital camera and CD burner in no time! Of course not till you get back on your feet! A scanner is nice cause then it's easy to draw or sketch something up and scan it to post or whatever too. I wish I had a scanner that's for sure.
i bought a copier/scanner/printer it even sends fax for under 40 bucks at target
Target huh? I'll have to check that out for sure! How long have you had it? How has it treated you?
it has worked very well the thing with target is buying things when they go on clearance the one i have has 2600 + 2600 DPI
[url "http://javascript:%20addTag('cool')/"][cool][/url][font "Californian FB"][#005028][size 3]Hey there FisherMOM, Congratulations on winning this month's best story. Looking forward to your next story.[/size][/#005028][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5770;]
[#ff4040][size 4]Thanks Dryrod....[/size][/#ff4040]
[#ff4040][size 4][/size][/#ff4040]
[#ff4040][size 4]I also noticed it has a 5 inch ruler on it.... [/size][/#ff4040]
[#ff4040][size 4]I can use it for my BFT contest pics I suppose! [/size][/#ff4040]
[#ff4040][size 4]Won't have to lug around a yardstick anymore![/size][/#ff4040]
[#ff4040][size 4][/size][/#ff4040]
[#ff4040][size 4]THAT makes it even cooler!![/size][/#ff4040]

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