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I just called and touched base with TubeDude and TubeBabe. They are on the fianal home stretch for getting their IP set up. It could be as soon as this afternoon.
At that point in time they will be able to be back in touch with all of you UT members and start setting up fishing and tubing appointments on a first come first served basis. ha ha.
I hope you guys don't wear him out and leave some energy so that I can fish with him when I go to visit.[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url]
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[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url][#0000ff]Ya probly din't even miss me. But, ready or not, here I is. Back in Utah.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In spite of nasty heat and too much stuff to move, we got the truck loaded and on the road Wednesday. The driver told us he might have in at our new place in Taylorsville by the first of the week. But, he had only one other quick delivery on the way and actually beat us to Springville on Thursday with the truck. So, we got here and unloaded before midday on Friday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm getting too old for this %&@#. But, over the last two months of working out and packing boxes, I have lost some weight. Not quite down to my "fighting weight" yet, but lots of tubing and tromping along the shorelines of Utah should help.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks for all the immoral support. I am really looking forward to the fall fling on the local waters.[/#0000ff]
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Welcome home TubeDude! I'm glad your trip/move turned out well. Lookin' forward to meeting you some day.
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Welcome to Utah!!!
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I don't want to make your head too big even though it's deserved (to a degree) but it's really good having you here for some hands on training and just tube fishing companionship! [url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url] How's the wife taking the move.? I hope to meet up with the both of ya, maybe the wife more? Heh, heh. Don't worry babe, I'm real harmless!!!!! [url "javascript: addTag('shocked')"][shocked][/url] Had a pretty good day at Pineview on the smallies today. Still learning. Biggest desire - find where the big guys are at Jordanell and catch some. Has gotten tough fro me. [url "javascript: addTag(':/')"][unsure][/url]
[url "javascript: addTag('  ')"][  ][/url]Leaky
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Welcome home Tubedude and Tubebabe. Can't wait to meet up and do some fishing and telling of fish stories. I can imagine you have a couple to tell.
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OH WOW!!! I can feel the presence of the great Tube Guru himself. Must be less then a mile away from me now because the force is strong here. I must meditate further and confirm my suspicions! [url "javascript: addTag(':|')"][unimpressed][/url].
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I'm glad you & tube babe made it here safely!!, Welcome back
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[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url]Welcome back to Utah, Sensai TubeDude, and tell Tubebabe the same! Glad you and all of your stuff made it here safely. Lookin' forward to meeting you at future Utah fishin' get together's and hopefully at future jigmaking classes as well. Good fishin' to ya (whenever you get done unpacking and catching your breath that is)!
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Hey Pat & Tubebabe.. Welcome back to the old Hole in the Wall! "Hey, ya think used enough Dynamite there Butch?"
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[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url][#0000ff]Thanks everybody. As a general note, for those concerned, TubeBabe survived, but barely. She really had a lot to do with the success of the move. Besides packing and loading much of our "downsized" load, she handled all of the switchovers in utilities, etc. But, she is happy to be where she has a lot of family (born and raised here).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To Theekillerbee: Thanks. No doubt about it. We will "hook up".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To cat_man: Thanks, bro. How's the new arrival? Are you getting any sleep yet?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To Leaky: Thanks for the kind comments. I'm not worried about TubeBabe succumbing to your charms. I've already got her burned out on crotchety old dudes. On the subject of smallies...I am really looking forward to doing some "tubing tag team" shots on them, wherever they lurk.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To icefool: We're also eager to meet you and your gang. I have some grandkids in the SLC area that have put me on notice that I have a lot of grandpa fishing trips to catch up on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To hustler898: Yeah, I am now in the neighborhood. But, that "force" you feel may only be the results of a big burrito. You meditate and I'll "codger-tate". [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To MeMeMe: Thanks for the welcome.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To Out4Trout: You betcha! As soon as I can dig out from under all these boxes, and find my stuff, we can let the fun begin.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, what's that wet stuff that fell out of the sky yesterday? Is that the wet material called "rain"? Haven't seen much of that in Arizona.[/#0000ff]
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[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url][#0000ff]Hey Don, you posted just as I was putting together my response to the other folks. I didn't leave you out on purpose. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks for the welcome. Ya got any big whiskerfish staked out that we can gang up on?[/#0000ff]
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Well Pat I havent checked on em in about 3 weeks but I'm bettin (he's) still hangin around. I'll grab the Ugly Stik Cat loaded with #30 Fireline and we'll go talk to the boy because me thinks he's about due to take his rightful place on the Challenge board!
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Hey Pat, little Jacob is doing great! He's putting on weight nicely -- at least in the middle section. He still has these little skinny arms and legs. That probably can't be helped since he got some bad genes from his dad. lol [url "http://javascript:%20addTag('crazy')/"][crazy][/url]. I have discovered that humans do not need sleep to survive -- they only need fishing -- and I haven't done much of either one lately! [url "http://javascript:%20addTag('sly')/"][sly][/url] No actually he's doing pretty good only waking up twice during the night for feedings then it's back to sleep. Here's another picture of the little fisherman to be:
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5844;]](;postatt_id=5844;)
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Btw Pat & Tubebabe,, how's it feel to be a full time part of the old stomping grounds again?
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[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url]Welcome home TDude and TBabe!!! I have but one question.. WHEN & WHERE?[url "javascript: addTag('  ')"][  ][/url]
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Hey tubedude and tubebabe,
Glad to hear you made it back to utah,and to here you just live down the street from me,If you ever want to get out on my boat let me know,we can hit jordenell for some perch and smallies or strawberry for some nice trout.
Let me know if I can help you out with anything.
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Hey hey Tuber, welcome home. I have a sneaking suspicion my 2004 catch rate just dropped off dramatically. Did I mention you now need a special license and permission to fish the Basin????????
Good Fishing, Kayote
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[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url][#0000ff]Would that special license apply only to former Arizona residents? Or does it apply to everyone? [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Howya doin' Special K? Any good bull bass or yellows out of the local kelp over there recently?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Haven't read any yakkin' reports from ya for awhile. Are you stayin' busy to make up for the goof-off trip to San Diego?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]How does the idea of meet-up on Starvation sound to ya, for some fall wallies? Any good reports lately? And what would be an ideal time to have a yak and tube fish-off? [/#0000ff]
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Hey TD,
No salt fishing lately. K2 and I hit Lake Canyon Lake the other day and were getting taken to school. I whipped out your custom jigs and we slammed the big brookies. Thanks again bro. Looking forward to fishing with you. Here's the tube/yak contest rules. We start at the Strawberry inflow at Starvation. As soon as a fish is caught you race to the boat ramp for the weigh in. There will be a one ounce penalty for every minute you arrive after the first one to the ramp, whoever that may be, hehehe.
I may finally be getting that long awaited job offer. I would be living in the Golden State capitol with the Governator. Ahhh, big buts, lings, salmon, stripers, rockfish, leopard sharks........Not to mention the Delta, Clear Lake and on and on. If I move, I am going to take two weeks to hit SD in the yak again and see the new girlfriend. The yellows have been going off. My friend actually caught a dodo from the yak off Point Loma last week. I havn't heard of that before. It would be a shame to move just as you moved back. Such is life. We can at least get in a Starvation trip before I bail. Talk to you soon my friend.
Good Fishing, Kayote