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Ocean City Geneva Reel
My father inlaw gave me an antique fishing reel its an Ocean City Geneva. Does any one have any info on these reels. I would like to find a good pic of one so I can repair it to as origanal as possible.
Hey there rravare,

I don't know much but I'll advise you to 'google' it , especially on ebay, and you'll get a history or value of it one way or another.

Know I am really curious!! I am typically pretty resourceful online but cant seem to find anything on this reel. Did you find out anything? Also is Geneva the manufacturer?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
No, Ocean city is the brand. geneva is the make. The only thing I was able to find was that the enventer of PENN reels used to work for Ocena City reels in philidelphia. other than that I cant find anything either.

Here is a link for you to try, it has some good infomation on rebuilding.
As for information on your model, try your local library. The problem is your reel is not worth very much maybe builded in the 40's thats why you can't find any information. At the Fred Hall shows their is an fishing antique dealer that you can take it to for information.
Also try posting it on other board sites maybe their's a old timer on the net that can help you.

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