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Cleaning Utah Lake filth off of my toon
I just spent the last hour and a half scrubbing my pontoon and washing free the filth Utah Lake left on it from the weekend.

Is there a heavy duty cleaner that will break down dirt and mud easily? Some of the muck dried on the toon and somewhat stained the pontoon, took some elbow grease but I got it off after some serious scrubbing.

Thanks in advance for any info.
I just consider it natural "Camo". If you don't like it I wouldn't fish Utah Lake or Willard for that matter. That is just part of the deal. It is murder on flylines as well if don't clean them right after fishing which I rarely do.
[cool][#0000ff]Hope that won't be a problem at Bear Lake. I would hate to have my carefully cultured accumulation of crud flake off and pollute those pristine waters.

Hey CBR, the fabric of tube and toon covers is notorious for absorbing and retaining the nastiest stuff in the water you fish. That's one of the good things about the PVC bottom on the Super Fat Cat I kick around in. It is easier to clean that part of it.

And, to answer your question on cleaning, good old 409 cleaner will help break down the worst stuff, so you can brush it off. Use a hose to blast off the residue and the remnants of the cleaner. Oh yeah, do it in your driveway and not on your lawn.

There are also some laundry pretreatment liquids that you spray on and let soak for awhile. Most of them will help. But, that nasty sticky clay/mud from down there will require a hammer and chisel to break loose if you let it dry before you try to remove it.
Have you tried the pressure washers at the local car wash? Those things will clean anything.
I went and grabbed some 409 to finish off my cleaning, and I sprayed and let sit for a minute then hosed off, and sure enough. Off came the excess crud. Thanks for the tip! As for the mud building up on the toon and drying and having to chissle. Not a problem, I make it a point to do a once over on the toon before I get out of any body of water to remove and majorly attached dirt clods, etc. In good shape there.

Yes I have used the preasure washers before and they do do excellent jobs. Thanks for the reply. Smile
Does anyone eat the fish out of that sh_t hole?
I ate the Walleye I caught there last week. I think the Pollution in there makes them extra tasty. Nah really, It was really good actually. I haven't started sprouting a third eye from it so it can't be too bad. Wink
Utah Lake isn't as polluted as it looks. It is saltier than it should be, and it is very discolored, but eating the fish out of it is quite safe. Lots of people eat fish from Utah Lake all the time without problems. I know TubeDude does, so does Emuscud and Jed.
Actually, the flavor isn't as good as it was when Geneva was dumping in "seasoning", and you now have to add your own MSG too, bummer[Wink]. In reality, the fish there is quite safe to eat and some of the species there are top flight table fare in general. The biggest pollution concern there at the moment is phosphates, which affects algae blooms, aquatic vegetation and water oxygenation, but doesn't affect the safety of the fish you eat. Bon appetit!
It seems to me that if you have a problem getting Utah Lake crud off your toon that whatever you harvest from this Happy Valley Sewage Plant will do the same to your innerds.
Heh, the crud is just the mud. I'm a poet. Anyhow the mud there is just a bit more like a plaster when dried is all.
Hey bud, don't worry about the crud, it's just a liitle mud. Even Elmer Fudd would eat some of that mud, as long after he can down a Bud Light!! lol[Smile]
ROFL. Thats a mouthful.
I'm pretty sure that infamous BFT salsa would come in handy... get that taste of Utah Lake out of your mouth.

There's been talk of removing phosphate from the lake. I say, if you're gonna do it, then now is the time while the lake is at its lowest! Also crack down on what's left of Utah county farmers and their phosphate use. That would help some in bringing it back to its normal healthy water... hey what's normal for Utah lake, duh... dunno if it will ever get to be normal again?

It would be nice to see it blue and pristine in my lifetime.

Oh and by the way, if that talk about building a bridge over Utah Lake gets around, then now would also be a good time while it is still shallow, and do heavy duty clean up on the lake for the restoration effect. Dang, what have I been smoking? I don't know but I think I'll have some more of that pipe dream....

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