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walking on Scofiled today Report
went up to Scofield today.. met coldfooter up there at about 11:00 am this morning.. got out on the ice at about 11:30..walked out about 10 feet and punched a hole ice was about 2 1/2 inches.. so we braved it another 20 or 30 feet checked thinknes again still running 2 1/2" to 3"..went out another 30 feet or so and set up shop!! i started out with green paddle bug tip with a minnow hit the first fish about 20 min's later.. then tryed to find some thing that was hotter but no luck.. green paddle bug tipped with minnow was the best thing going today.. did try tipping the paddle bug with worm and crawdad tale meat and put some more on the ice with that as well.. the crawdad tale meat was the best but i only had 6 tales to start with and they went fast.. we fished tell about 5:00.. not sure how many fish i cought but not near as many as i missed.. cought 1 nice cutt it was about 3lbs..
it was great fishing with Don again!! cant wait tell the next trip!!
Thanks Don for the great day of catching!!
dude on fish?
So is the lake completely iced or is there open areas still????? What part of the lake did you fish. Did you mark your spot with a big yellow X. Did the vexilar work well?????
well i came in from the inlet side of the lake and it was frozzen all but the inlet out about 50 yards.. the other side you will have to ask coldfooter.. we fished by the shacks on south east side..
oh yeah i marked my spot with the big yellow X..
the vexilar is the most amazing ice fishing tool i have ever seen.. it worked even better then i had hoped!!

dude on fish?
Great report, you guys are a little braver than I am. I just don't have the brass to go out on 2 1/2", but apparently you made it home alive. Hopefully there will be a little more ice this weekend.
Killer report Dude , That is what I been waiting for . Thanks
[cool]Holy Crap!! That's awesome news, Fuzzy! I would go there this coming Saturday, but 2.5 inches isn't enough ice for me. Especially since I'm taking my dad in law and bro in law ice fishing for their first time, and we'll be in my dad's ice shelter, so 3 guys fishing so close together, I don't think we should chance it.[pirate]

However, if any reports come in before then of 5-6 inches of ice, then maybe we'll check it out. It's got to be getting below 0 this week with it getting down to 15 tonight in SLC. Would be nice to drive 1 half hour less to get to fish.

Can't wait for Saturday. It isn't supposed to snow till Sunday, so those of us without 4wd should be o.k.!
Looks like it was a heat wave up there with 16.2 degrees for a high .
[url ""][/url]
Did you see anyone else on the ice or signs of others ? By this weekend it should be pushing 4" , so I hope to get up there .
hey out4trout there should be 4 to 6 inches on there by the weekend.. with a high of 19 yesterday and a low well below 0 to night i sure it's going to have thick enuf ice for the moob of pepole that is going to be there this weekend.. it went from open water to frozen 2" solid in 1 night.. so it's probiley 3 to 4 inches this morning..

we did see one other guy out there but he did not have the brass to hang with the big boys.. i dont think he got out more the 20 feet off shour.

dude on fish?
Yahoooooo!!! I know where I'll be this Saturday A.M. best news I've heard in long time!!!
Ron it was great fishing with you again and without question we share braggin' rights of the first to ice fishing Scofield this season. We'll mark a few more hot spots on the hard deck I'm sure, lol. I have to admit you iced more fishies, but I marked more hot spots, HA!
And wow what a nice sunny day huh? And the W wasnt much to deal with either.

I actually got there 30 minutes sooner than I expected and will report that the reservoir is completely covered with ice. As I passed the state park I could see that someone had wandered down the boat ramp to the boat docks then walked back up but I didnt seen one step of track leading onto the ice. After driving the length of the res. and not finding Ron I wandered down to the ice at the spot were we'd agreed to meet. First step was as expected, a tad soft at the shoreline (and you know that makes your butt pucker) but it held my 260lb. frame so I snuck a second step. The ice was ferm so knowing I was in shallow water I baby stepped it out about 20 feet and scuffed the skiff of snow off the ice to check the depth of the ice. Looked to be a couple inches, good enough! After wandering back up to the road I drove back to the north end of the pond to make sure Ron hadnt sneak in from the north then I drove back to the spot and got ready to pull my sled and gear to the ice. Just as I was about to start down to the ice Ron pulled up.
I wouldnt say Ron or myself were overly agressive work our way out. We stopped and made a couple test holes before finally dropping the ropes to our sleds.
I had lots on bites on several different setups but No doubt about it, paddle bugs and minnow was the hot ticket. although, I did twisted the heads of three using a roadrunnner tipped with crawler or minnow. I also took home 3 mid sized bows to chewing on just fer the fun of it.
Great report guys! Thanks for the info, can't wait to get up there.

He fuzzy, when does E-lake get a cap?
you know i was just thinking about that my self.. as cold as it is out there and as cold as it was going through E-lake valley last night it was -9 and the sun just went down.. i think it might be iced up now or realy close to being iced up..

i was thinking of going up today and checking it out.. and maybe give clevland a try i'm sure it's ready right now..

well now we have some more places to ice fish other than might not be so crowded out there on the ice..

btw.. i was the first one on E-lake last year and it was 2 1/2 weeks after huntington frozz..but this year it's much colder much faster so might be sooner this year..

dude on fish?
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]I wish I could join you guys. This week I have some type of meeting every day. After this week I have a open calendar and I can start hitting the ice. I’ll hope for good sunny weather Saturday and possibly give Cleveland a try. I stayed up there this summer and saw some nice size Bow’s come out of there. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3] [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]Where do you get access to E-Lake from?[/size][/black][/font]
there is 3 places to access e-lake.. if you have a snowmobile you can get in on the north end by the inlet.. if you are walking in then the dam is the only way in or out..

well dont look like i'm going to get up there today wife could not get her car to started today.. so have to hang around the house [unimpressed] lol..

dude on fish?
great report fuzzy
you guys have more nerve than i do, i like 4 to 6 inches of ice to make me feel safe.
looks like this weekend for scofield or huntington.
[cool]Great news, fuzzyfisher and coldfooter. I think we're definitely heading to Scofield this weekend! It should have enough ice for 3 people in a little shack, don't ya think? This will be my first time in a shack, so I want to make sure the ice will be thick enough. Don't have much experience with that. Those of you with ice shacks, care to comment?
It would surprise me if there were less than 5-6 inches of ice on Scofield by Saturday. I've used the Coldfooters Hilton (opens to 7'X7" and weight is over 200), 3 people in it and the wheeler and all the gear parked out side on 4 inches. I would doubt you'd have anything to worry about by this weekend at Scoflield.
Good luck Geoff, knock em dead!
PS.. Just remember to keep an eye out for snow snakes!
[cool]Thanks a lot, Don. I hope to tear 'em up. Taking my dad in law and bro in law for their first time on the hard water. Should be a hoot. I'll post a report.

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