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Deer Creek Fishing
Went to Deer early this morning, water is so far down it is now over a mile hike from the road. Decided it was time to try a few new rigs on the smallmouth. I caught no samllmouths, not even a bite. On the other hand I picked up 3 Walleye all were released as to the size requirements at Deer Creek. Was going to Strawberry Saturday but it has now been postponed because I am taking my daughter to get her computer repaired. Oh for joy for joy, giving up a day fishing to go to CompUSA. But then there is always Sunday <bg>, now that I figured out way I have been remaining a guest after signing up, I'll post ya all a report from the Berry when I get home (or the next day if it is too late).

Good fishin, keep your hooks wet, your tackle untangled, and your net within easy reach.


Where about in Deer Creek were you catching walleye? Doesn't Deer Creek allow six walleye, with only one over 20 inches? Why did you release them? I would like to target walleye on my next Deer Creek trip.

Good luck at Strawberry.


Yes Deer Creeks limit is 6 with one over 20. I parctice catch and relaes religiously. so let me explain. If I have fish in the freezer of that species I release all that I catch, In this case all three were over 20 inches and one may have been caught twice but I can't swear to that. My son on the other hand (he's 15 and still learning) has a bit harder time making himself release fish of any kind! But I know bring a camera and we take photographs of our catches before we realase them. This seems to help learn to be a conservationist. He's just to youg to realize that if we take all we can today there may be none for his children. I have been catch and relase guy since 1976 and i can tell you the fish that got me to do that.

Now as far as where we were, we parked at the East end of the lake, and hiked down to the water. The Island at that end of the lake is now no longer and island. Coming from the east side we hiked about 3/4 quaters of the way around it. This changes with every trip though George as the water levels continue to decline. Heres what my son and I do. When we get there (out to what use to be an island) we hike along until we find the rocky dropoffs. That's were we start and we will work all along the shore (heading west) until we reach the farthest point protruding into the lake then we will work back east. The best method we have found so far is to drag a nightcarwler across the bottom. I use slinky weight, #2 or #4 hook, 6 pound line w/4pound leader, and I still use a Mitchell 300 reel though I have others I just love this little guy. We have tried every lure you can thing of but without much success (may be my tecnique) for the bass or the walleye. But the trout will hit just about anything around sundown right now.

We went last night with hopes of duplicating the other day. I caught to 2 very small bass, no walleye, and 8 rainbows ranging from small (8 to 11 inches) to really ok at 17 inches and 3 lbs 9 oz. My son caought only rainbows and kept his 4 biggest all around a pound and a half. Oh yeah I also caught my first carp out of that lake, not a gaint as carp go but man was he/she fun and yes I also released it also, much to my sons dismay. So you know the carp there are grass crap and without them the watter weeds would soon rule the lake. I don't want ya to think I'm a tree hugger or anything, I was just brough up with a healthy respect for the outdoors. I try and pass it along to my family as I will be fishing with my grandkids I want something there for them. Strawberry today is a far cry from what it was 20 years ago and I only see it getting worse. Well enough of my ranting <g>. If you want to take a real hike there are other productive areas at Deer Creek but they are a lot less accessable from land. Let me know how you do the next time you go. Maybe we can meet at the lake and soak a hook some time. If you go and park just off the hiway in the pull out and ya see a gray Ford ranger extended car 4x4 it'll be me. Well good fishin George.

I forgot that the limits include what you have in your freezer. Thanks a lot for the wealth of information. My neighbor floated our tubes down at Wallsburg Bay yesterday. No luck at all, not even a bite. Shore fishing was also on the slow side. We ended up going to Jordanelle to introduce my neighbor to perch fishing. It was fast fishing, took home 25 perch for a meal. I would expect to Jordanelle to produce some nice perch in a couple of years.

Thanks for the invite to go fishing with you. Shoot me an e-mail next time you're going out and maybe I'll hook up with you. I always have my fishing tackle in my car, so I'm ready to go in an instant.

Tight lines,

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