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Boys Get In Trouble For Playing With Finger Guns <br>4th Graders' Game Of Army Vs. Aliens Violated School's Zer- Tolerance Policy<br>Updated: 6:03 p.m. MDT May 14, 2002<br><br>DENVER -- Seven fourth graders in the Cherry Creek School District were given detention for a week after they were caught using their fingers as imaginary weapons, a newspaper reported Monday. <br><br> <br><br><br>The incident took place March 25 at Dry Creek Elementary School, 7NEWS reported. <br><br>The boys were playing soldiers-versus-aliens during lunch when a playground monitor pulled them all aside and brought them to the principal's office because they displayed violent and aggressive behavior during the game, said Mary Terch, executive director of elementary education for Cherry Creek Schools. <br><br>Principal Darci Mickle said that what the boys did, even though it may have been horseplay, violated the school's zero tolerance policy. <br><br>She called all of their parents to pick them up early from school and gave them lunchtime detention for the week after they returned from spring break, the Times reported. <br><br> SURVEY <br> <br> Did an elementary school go too far with its zero tolerance policy when it suspended fourth graders for using their fingers as imaginary weapons? <br>Yes. The boys did nothing wrong. <br>No. Zero tolerance means no tolerance for any type of violent behavior.<br>I don't know. I wasn't there at the school so I don't know how they behaved.<br> <br><br><br>Results | Disclaimer <br> <br><br>The boys' parents said the incident is an example of post-Columbine zero-tolerance run amok. <br><br><br>They are also furious that she asked the boys if their families kept guns at home. <br><br>Charles Andrew, the father of one of the boys, said Mickle's line of questioning violated the family's private lives. <br><br><br>"It's none of her business," he told the paper. "If she wants to know that, she needs to ask me, not Connor." <br><br>The school district stands behind the principal's action. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
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What the Denver Public School administrators failed to do was determine the caliber of the finger guns, thus making their actions illegal. This is also the school district that teaches anti-hunting to impressionable, young minds as part of the classroom. PETA, we all know what PETA is, distributes the material free of charge and anyone who disputes the teachings is considered a disruptive factor in the classroom.
It's time for all parents to take an active role in what their kids are learning in school and challenge any anti-hunting material. This happened to me in California, Santa Clara County to be exact. The teacher of my daughter's sixth grade class was teaching that hunting was bad for animals and an immoral act. How would you respond to your daughter asking you if you were an immoral person? I found out that the teacher was a card carrying PETA member and had convinced the principal that anti-hunting should be taught at an early age. Luckily, the school board didn't agree, after a few hundred parents showed up for the hearing, and dismissed the teacher (she appealed and it was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum). If the parents hadn't stood up and been heard, I hate to think what California schools would be like now.
Know what your kids are being taught in school, take an active role in their education. Afterall, they are your children.
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[size 3] Sounds like to me that the teacher sill got paid for passing on the virus. (Closed settlement paid to the teacher for wrongful or pre-termination of contract) Now she/he is off to do damage elsewhere. And she is getting paid double for her efforts.[/size]
[size 3] As parents you should have been seeking monetary and legal damages against the teacher for reeducating the students individually. The school new this and that was why she was terminated from the district. Unfortunately her teaching credentials are still intact and now she can spread more damage down the road.[/size]
[size 3] Had you sewed for monetary damages (for re-educating your child) against the teacher you could have taken her severance package. And had you sewed legal actions (criminal brainwashing) against the teacher you could have had her teaching credentials revoked in the state of California. [/size]
[size 3] Unfortunately the schools lawyers would not disclose this information to you. They like all business are looking out for their best interest, not so much the kids.[/size]
[size 3] Little known fact for any one who reads these articles; [/size]
[size 3] Teachers are required to provide an out line of their course and materials to be covered prior to the beginning of each school year. In simple plain words the school knew about the teachers actions prior to the event, and that was why the teacher was able to get a monetary settlement out of court. Otherwise the school would have never settled. [(The school board duped you) through (plausible deniability)] [/size]
[size 3] I agree with your statement that all parents take part in their children’s education. This means before the schools ever open the doors of the new school year.[/size]
[size 3] Which means taking time to meet with the teachers and principle and the administration to discuss issues like,[/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]What is the curriculum going to cover for the year?[/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Get a copy of the course to be studied so that you can at a moments notice know how the progress of the planned course is going and know what your children’s level of accomplishment is, instead of waiting till teacher/parent conference day (or worse yet the report card comes out) to put out now what can be explained as uncontrollable fires. ([#ff0000]That is provided you don’t want to gamble on your child’s life and education[/#ff0000]). Most importantly know what is on the planned study so that it does not come as a tragedy later on down the line, as what was mentioned above in the prior post. [/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Find out just what type of security will be put in place and enforced for your Childs safety whether it is in the school or out. (Remember that any time you put your child into a foreign environment you are taking chances that they will not be coming home in one piece.) Remember that even your child can become a social deviant when placed under improper pressures of other children and an administration that is stifling towards a child’s creative and ambitious pursuits of education and recreation. [/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Make sure that each school will have in the possession of qualified sociologists ([#ff0000]meaning qualified chancellors and councilors – not a one fits all referendum[/#ff0000]) [/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3]Remember[/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]If you take an interest in what your child is doing your child will take interest in you and will want to achieve more. [/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Don’t be worried about not knowing or understanding what your child is studding, become his/her study partner and you will learn together. [/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]School can be far more festinating the second time around. (Through the eyes of your child)[/size]
[size 3] [/size][#ff0000][size 4](Or is two hours a day too much time to spend on your kids education health and well being)[/size][/#ff0000]
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No need to convince me, Dave. Both my daughters love to fish in spite of the school's teachings. They both graduated and are doing fine.
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[size 1][size 2][size 1]Hello All,[/size]
[size 1]I would say:[/size]
[size 1]Yes. The boys did nothing wrong. [/size]
[size 1]I grew up playing guns and army men and look how I turned out (well bad example LOL). But seriously, I frankly think this is totally ridiculous based on what I just read. If the students had preexisting problems and this was one in a series of incidents (even though this shouldn't even be prohibited if you ask me) then may disciplinary action would be appropriate.[/size]
[size 1]In my personal opinion these types of rules are a symptom of society at large trying/having to compensate for a penal and political system that won't take responsibility for making hard irreversible decisions (like implementing the death penalty in capital crimes). To often punishments for crimes are decided by factoring liberal organizations potential "outcry" of "cruel and unusual punishment" and "civil rights violations". [/size]
[size 1]Our judicial systems political affiliations far to often retract from letting the punishment fit the crime, and then because of their lack of character and conviction they try to seem like they are addressing the problem by implementing stupid laws/rules to say "look what is being done to solve this problem". Well stopping kids from playing "Army Vs. Aliens" in the school yard doesn't do a damn thing, except put up a smoke screen for addressing the real issues and make a spineless bureaucrat look like he is doing something to address a problem when he really isn't![/size][/size][/size]
[size 1]
P.S. Do we now call it gun control or finger and gun control! and lastly the term "gun control" is a pathetic joke! To me gun control is Florida and seventeen other states implementing licenses to carry concealed weapons and watching their crime rates go down, that's gun control!!!!![/size]
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Ya sank that 16-penny nail to the head in one blow of the hammer.
There never was a truer word spoken.
Punishing a child for what he sees on TV and then playing in school, what a joke on the human race. You may as well take all competitive sports out of the school that includes tennis golf football and every thing else including the chess teams.
What most people don’t know about this punishment is, that it goes on the child’s permanent record that will follow him for the rest of his entire life.
If any one ever tells you that the child’s record will be expunged when they turn 18, they do not know what they are talking about. There has been an extensive study and physiological profiling and testing since the late 1950’s in all parochial schools. Weather you know it or not your name is on a file in a computer bank with scenarios as to what type of person that you may become. Any and all reports about you from your teachers all your test scores all your interest all your extra curriculums school activities stay in your profile for life.
When they say that a child’s record will be expunged at the age 18 is if he goes out and to the mall and pockets some item off the shelf and is caught and prosecuted, well then yes that record will be expunged at the age of 18. this is a criminal offence and not a social offence.
These children will always now and forever be considered social deviates.
Ya are probably wandering what this has to do with your post; well you are correct about going after the real deviates. The ones responsible for the child pocketing a can of tuna or a candy bar, people like those at Enron and other corporations who steal right from those who put faith in them to provide for their futures by investing in their corporations, working in their sweatshops planning on their 401k investments. These people have ruined the lives of many of those faithful constituents who gave literally their sweat blood and the major portion of their lives to support corporations all the way down to the small mom and popshops. Needless to say these are the real PETA people, the ones supporting anti gun lobbing anti hunting anti fishing anti environmental laws, for their own selfish gains. Of course they want guns off the streets, they are scared that some one is going to hunt them down and shoot them, and rightfully so should they have that fear. They are guilty and the laws will not prosecute them. They bankrupt and sent people in to poverty for the remainder of their lives yet they get to stay millionaires and spent 15 twenty years in a luxury prison for the rich and famous then get to come out and live the rest of their lives in luxury while the people they stole from suffer through povrish conditions not knowing weather or not that they are going to meet the monthly bills.
Don’t get me wrong I am not against rich people, I too would one day soon like to be rich but not by breaking the backs of those who I depend on to do my bidding (stealing their benefits so promised them by engaging their employment), or by exploiting the environment to save a dollar by dumping toxins in to the environment.
They should send a message to our youth I agree, but send them the right message one that says that corporations no matter how big or how small can get away with this type of activities will lead to a life time of punishment with no parole possible. Prove not show that out population is going to be protected for life not persecute for life because they choose to live a live within the laws provided to benefit our society.
Punish a child who points his finger and says bang-bang in a game, yet allow those who pressure and bully and cohorts other children to do their bidding in school is nothing short of insanity, and this being the rule and not the exception is the reasons we have incidents like those in out schools and in the national seen with tyrants like Saddom in Iran and those like that of the terrorist of Afghanistan and Lebanon.
So yes Mike I fully agree that these kinds of deviants must held accountable for their actions. Prove that the laws are going to be protect us form these kinds of people and their policies and not protected by laws.
I remember as a child playing games in school like the politically incorrect cowboys and Indians, army and far worse games like red rover and London Bridge is falling down. Millions upon millions of children plaid those games in school as children and if this was going to cause children or adults later in life for that mater to take up arms against one another, well you could bet that there would be no such things as terrorist or Sadams or PETA environmental terrorist.
so lets get it real there are far worse things going on in that school than children pointing their fingers at each other. [center]So how about sum Zero Tollarance of Ignorance
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[size 2][size 2]This post got my blood boiling but I just ran across one even more ludicrous!!!!! TAKE A LOOK AT THIS, ITS FOR REAL, THEIR ACTUALLY BEING SERIOUS![/size]
[url ""][/url][/size]
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I knew about this story it had actually made local news here in my area months ago but I did not know that they had made a web site to try to vindicate their corruption venue by using children as human shields.
Failing in their efforts to sway intelligent people PETA must now focus on the uninformed and those not ready to make rational decisions because they are still young and impressionable.
As a 4-H Leader (youth development instructor) this is not the first time that I have had to come head to head with the end results of misinformed children.
And yes I have had members (children of PETA influence) active under my instruction. I found this vary easy to deal with because I offered them the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And then I backed it up with the informant that this is a life choice and not a right or wrong, moral or immoral issue. And that if they wanted to get along in life that they will respect those who hunt and fish for sustenance, not just the mere pleasure of killing. If they did not then I would be a constant reminder that every thing they do in life, results in the needless death of living animals from the very gardens where they get their meet free diet to the vary cars they are driving to the vary roofs over their heads to taking a walk on the beach, has resulted in the unnecessary deaths of innocent animals. So don’t play on my conscious or I will play on yours.
With this information in my belt holster I am hot as a pistol cause there is no argument.
If a boy scout cant kill and eat a fish that is most assuredly and truly his purgative and well with in his constitutional rights, but it is his responsibility to know the truth and make a choice on an educated and personal issues but not because someone (a friend that they want to be hip with or a teacher misleading them or the neighbors down the road just because he/she has a nice house) and says it is so.
Here is one that PETA does not want any one to know about, but is basic knowledge to any first year chemist in high school, they fail to teach this in home economics but do go as far to say that the human body needs all four of the five basic food groups. And that is there are amino acids in pork, beef, and fish that are vital to the development of the human body and is needed for fuel for the brain.
You can tell the children who live on a PETA diet apart easily from the children who don’t. The PETA children are slow and week in physical stature and condition and are week in physiological and mental cunning,
Unfortunately for PETA if they get their way of disarming the American public they will fall victim to the “Sadams” of the world because they have not the physical strengths or the mental or mycological cunning to deal with such tyranny.
(“Mycological” is the correct spelling and the correct word – if you don’t know the meaning of this word look it up in a dictionary to learn the definition and you will find the meaning of the context of the sentence)
What a mess this country is!
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belive it or not my 7 year old daughter came home to tell me her teacher said i was bad because i kill animals with guns and i shouldn't have them ( the guns )in the house . ( i don't have them laying around , there in a safe with trigger locks on them )
now under michigans constitution , hunting and fishing is a guarinteed right . under our u.s.of a constitution possesing a fire arm is our right too .
well i talked to the principal about this , his fear is dealing with the teachers union . it's off to the school board next . i can't belive these people get away with this kind of stuff . i can't belive more hunters don't realize what a threat that these incidents will add up to if left unchecked . i'm fighting this battle on my end here , and i'm not going to let them sweep it under the carpet . how dare a teacher undermine the values and the love and guidance that i give my child . these teachers jobs are to educate our children , not to impose there belifes on them !
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you may want to sepena that teachers coriculm from the school principle or board
as i mentioned above the teacher has to provide an itenerary of topics to be covered and if she is turning off her cource she can loose her licens to teach in the state of michigan irregardless as to what any teacher's union want to say. just make sure that your little one is willing to sit on a witness bench.
If I had Jeffery Figers number I'd send it your way.
good luck and keep us posted