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Where can I get my auger blades sharpened?
I saw a post a few weeks ago about a good place to send blades to get them sharpened. Could someone please post it again? Thanks DKS
tried a search for auger blades and found it quick .
[url ";#172945"];#172945[/url]
Will they sharpen any brand blades or just strike master brand? Thanks DKS
I just had mine sharped at Brownie's in Draper. I'm planning to go out this weekend I can let you know what kind of job he did.
I've heard that it's not really worth it. There never the same after they get sharpened. Better just to buy new

I agree with maddawg. The blades just don't sharpen well enough to be economical. In the long run, you're better off purchasing new blades. Treat them well and a pair of blades should last an entire season. I usually change my blades mid-season. They are fresh when the ice is thick and do a decent job at the start of the following season. End of year clearance sales can be a great time to buy new blades at a reduced price.

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