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Fishing Gear Collector
I was at a garage sale the other day & aquired a rod & real combo It looked to be 60's era . As I got home & took a closer look the real is stamped Sear & Robuck & the combo is a Ted William Combo . When was Sear last tackle production ? Or who built this package for sears ? The Rod is 6' & the Real is a spinn cast .Also Looking for Value. Please Respond MnMan
To my knowledge Sears has never made or manufactured any thing. They have always bought product with their name placed on it.

I worked in a hardware ware house back in the late 70’s and was surprised to see that our craftsman wrenches at that time came form a company in Spain called “Palmera”

I wished that I could answer this question for you I have sum old seers reels that look almost Identical to sum old Montgomery Wards reels that I have.

However Seers did have special addition equipment made for them, so there are a few collectables out there.

as for who made them is any one's guess since they could have been made by one company one year and some one else the next.

does your reel combo have any serial numbers stamped on the reel?

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