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Got to Rockport a little after 7 am this morning and WOW! The whole West side had people fishing and the State Park was full as well. Got my gear into the sled and paged a big hello on channel 12. The response was great and I headed for the ice. Went out to about 57' of water and no fish so I moved in to about 45'. The fishing was still slow and A couple BFT folks invited me to come closer to thier spot. That was the ticket, Thanks guys, and me and my boy iced 8 nice perch. The bite turned off again so we decided to move yet again. Polokid started the raffle and I had the great pleasure of winning the IRON PERCH!!! That thing is one of the best prizes that I have ever won and it will be displayed with honor at my cabin. Thanks Ironworker it is a work of art! I also got the lucky pick a couple more times for a rod holder, and a bunch of jigs from hooked. I also was pleased to have scored a few surgical hemostats. Thanks Rob and Mike you guys rock! The fishing shut down for me and I never got a limit but I really enjoyed myself with all of you BFT folks, friends, and family. My son and I had an awesome day and come home with 8 nice perch to have for dinner.
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hey fish1on
glad you had a great time with your son and the rest of the bfter's.
hope you enjoy your metal perch. i sure wished i could have been there today.
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You made the perch? Got any pics?
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Was good meeting you. Thats awesome you won that perch by ironworker. He does excellent work with metal.
---[My addition to the report]--
I arrived around 6:45, packed up and was first on the ice by only about 5 minutes then there were about 6 other groups on the ice at the same time.
The morning started slow, I was in 52 feet of water and didnt have a hit. Phil and his lil fishing buddy showed up and sonar'd the area and found fish in 40 feet so I moved in more shallow. Mikecromain showed and he started getting hits like crazy with his paddlebug tipped with meal worm. I tipped with meal worm and put on a chartreuse Genz Worm and dropped it in. After that it was clockwork, drop jig, and wait for the perch to school threw. I didn't move from the spot til I caught 16 and it slowed. I moved out another 50 feet and got my limit by 11:00.
Overall was a great day, alot of perch being caught, alot of people getting limits and alot of great time on the ice with BFT'rs.
Thanks for putting this on Rob, it was an absolute blast.
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hey cbr sounds like you guys knocked em dead today.
here is a picture of the perch.
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LloydE and I got a little rough start with both of us waiting at different convenience stores from before 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM! Finally found each other and headed for the state park. Fished in 42' of water and caught just over 50 fish between us (all perch). Had a nice visit with Extex out on the ice. Decided to try Jordanelle. Drove down to the sign on Rockcliff and decided to at least drive on down and drop off the gear. Found a UDWR officer down there and he said it was Ok to park there on Saturday (not officially, but he didn't care). It was non-stop action for smaller perch there in 15' of water. We each also caught a rainbow. Another group there had caught about a 20 inch brown and three rainbows.
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yeah the girls were biting I say girls do to the fact everyone I cought had eggs in her.
Was a nice day out on the pond except for my boys man are the hellins they just were a hand full today my oldest even fell into a ice hole.
looking forward to next week
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Kent , nice report . So how was the ice at lake X ? How thick was it ?
Did anyone hook a trout at the Rock today ? I thinking of hitting it early tomorrow morning .
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fairwaypilly got a small one so did my wife both about 6 inches if that
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The ice at Lake X is at least twice as thick as it is at Rockport. I don't know how far towards the main reservoir one can safely walk. As we left Rockport today looking down on that ice it sure looked scarey.
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Glad to hear everyone had fun at Rockport.
The ice at Jordanelle on the Rock Cliffs arm was about 12-14 inches thick by the bouys. Fished the north side in about 20 feet of water. Caught about 30-40 perch, most were small around 5 inches but did catch a couple 10 inch ones. Was using a gold icefly below a silver kastmaster with waxworms, mealworms, and minnows.
Hooked one nice trout around 10:30am but lost it just at the hole when the line got hooked around the fishfinder.
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Kent, did you get any medium or big perch at Jordanelle? It is good to hear that the authorities were nice about driving to the ramp over there.
Kastmaster and I, along with our young fishing buddies (our daughters) also hit Rockport, and we also can give a good report. We fished the 2nd outhouse area. Got on the water at 9:00 and started at 33 ft. That is basically where we ended because we were into the perch. We had nonstop bites there until we left. kastmaster and daughter rung up a limit and I voluntarily stopped at 30 between me and my 3 yr. old because that was how many I wanted to fillet. My little fishing buddy was also getting a little balky and we needed to go on a sled tour of the lake and find a downhill sledding hill to play on. It didn't take me very long to catch the 30. I was very pleased with sizes today. The average was between 9- 10 inches. Very few small ones. They were still biting voraciously when we left that spot. The kids were starting to have more fun around 11:30 and we were full on perch, so George and I tried for some trout in shallower water. I picked up one small rainbow and lost another but that was it for the trout. Between the fast action and watching the kids we didn't get to the raffle and get-together. Our loss. It sounds like a good day for everyone.
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We caught one perch at Jordanelle that was almost as large as the ones at Rockport, but the rest were much smaller.
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Thanks Pat for your help, too bad we didnt go through will all the plans, but the guessing game was all i could take. I look forward to fishing with ya this winter again!!!
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Hey guys sorry to chime in late. UncleRay and I hit the ice @ 7 AM but we couldn't find Polo's rig, it was probably where ther most cars were parked, it looked like there was no room at the inn so we headed down road a liitle ways. By 8 AM I had half my limit and uncleray was striking out, by 9 AM my limit was filled and uncleray was yet to put a perch on the ice, so we traded holes and I was still pulling up fish one after another, so to help him out we swapped rigs and that was the ticket. His rig was too light and he couldn't set the hook. We ended up catching 2 limits of perch and for fun we moved close to the rocks and caught one 12" bow on power bait. Wished I could have hooked up with the BFT buddies, but it was still a fun day on the ice. There will be other days and I'm looking forward to it.
[black][size 4]Now we need a class on how to fillet perch![/size][/black]
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I'd take that class. There has got to be an easier way to filet perch than the way I do it, it takes me forever to do a limit
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I'm not bragging but I've got it down to about 1 and a half fish per minute. (And that's when I'm rinsing the fillets under the tap as I work.) I use an electric knife. I pinch the head under the fellet board's clamp with the fish's back towards me to start. Cut just behind the gill/fin area and fillet down to the tail, leaving it all attached. Flip the knife blade to lay the fillet over the tail with the inside up. Start the filleting where the skin is still attached and cut the meat off the skin. Turn the fillet side ways and cut the rib bones out. Rinse the fillet and drop in strainer. Turn the fish over and repeat. Note: Always keep the hand holding the knife dry. Only handle the fish and the rinsing with the non-knife hand. Use the knife hand to push down the spring teeth on the board, Place the fish in and pick up the knife. I put the board right over the sink. I've devised a method to hold the board in place so there is no unneeded movement. I'll be glad to explain further if this is confusing. I've shown many fishing buddies this technique and they became instant believers.
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I went wandering looking for you two but didn't find ya.
Sorry you didn't meet up with us, hope you enjoyed your perch. 
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Wow! You got some serious talent there! I want to buy one from you and put it on my fireplace mantle. How much would it cost for one if I can get you to make one for me?
KentofNSL, you lucky dog... you limited out on the prizes, which sure beats getting your limits...[  ]
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i will send you a pm with all the info.