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Fishing Derby @ Viva Naughton
Just wanted to find out how many of you caught fish @ the Derby?
I had my son and 4 other friends and we caught 3 fish all day! One was 10" (that is the one I caught), another 16" , and the Daddy was 21 7/8", and my buddy just missed the hourly by 1/4" [unsure]
I appriciate the input on what to use from all who responded. It is always fun to fish as to knot! We were not able to fish the 2nd day, so I wanted to find out how everybody did. Last I heard was that a 24" was in the lead on Saturday.
[url ""]Early Registration Form[/url]
... Early registrations receipts should be picked up at the derby headquarters trailer at Lake Viva Naughton on Saturday, February 19, 2005. All sales final. Return the entry form to: Kemmerer ...
one good way to increase his catch it to tell him to be abservant of those around him, if he sees some one pulling up a fish to watch him and mimmic what the other angler is doing,

with out knowing spicificly what you are looking to catch all we can give you is basics. I am not fimiliar with your area, I would asume you are looking at trout? but that would be presumptous thinking of you fishing from colorado or wyoming.. they both have lakes with that name... if it is not the same lake stratling the boarders...
Feel free to post this on the Utah or Wyoming boards. I personally have never fished Naughton, but want too. If I was to take a guess, white paddlebugs, or white tube jigs would work well up there, tipped with mealies or waxies.
Hey FishinFu, Welcome to the board!

I have fished Naughton three times this season. It has been slow every time. The fish we did manage to catch were either 8-10 inches or 16+ inches.

PoloKid's suggestions are correct. Caught fish with white paddlebugs & ice flies tipped with crawler. Meal worms didn't work the times I was there. Got lots of looks, but no takers with the meal worms.

There is a fishing derby there this weekend(Feb19-20), so be prepared for that if you go. Weather is always an interesting variable up there so prepare for anything. Don't know that I would make a special trip to fish Naughton, but my parents live in Kemmerer and Naughton is close when I'm in town.
Good Luck

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