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Meramac Spring Park
A place to trout fish.They raise fish to let go just for the fishermen.I know you may think that this means that it's easy to catch fish there,since they raise them just to catch.You could not be more wrong.They are hard to catch.They're used to people trying to catch them.Not to mention they only let out 1.2 fish per person.Not even that much anymore.However,if you get down there really early(about 7:00a.m.-opening time) and you go on a good fishing day,and you know how to fish,you'll catch your limit in under an hour.As a matter of fact,I went with my dad one day and caught my limit in 20 minutes!!!!!!!!![cool]

It can be really challenging on some days though,just ask Pudge,I fish with him sometimes.He gets mad at me for catching my limit while he is still trying to catch his first fish.(I've had a little more practice than him,though)So you see,you need skill in order to catch them,but It's worth the trip!
Hello Paladin,

Thank you for the heads up and great report! Care to tell us what you are catching them on?

Any tips for anglers heading out that way for the first time?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
I always use either my dad's secret home made bait or the power bait that they sell in the stores.A tip for beginners(or anglers headed that way for the first time)............Be patient.Stay in one spot for awhile.If you just walk up and down the bank and throw in your line a few times,then move to another spot,you won't catch anything.That's the problem that Pudge has,he moves around too much,and doesn't stay in one spot.I take him fishing with me a lot.
How clear is the water at Meramac? I have fished Roaring river a few times and the water was either ultra clear or a slight green tint after a good rain. I fish crappie jigs where it is legal to do so and have done well. Most of the time I can catch a limit of better fish in the course of the day. Thinking about taking up fly fishing during the winter.
The water is clear most of the time,so you can see the fish,but on some days they can see your line,so it gets complicated.
That's where you use 2 pound flourocarbon. I have been fishing 8 pound flouro for my splitshot rigs and grubs and it really works good for me. I use it on my tubes if I find bass on the bed in the spring and they don't seem to see it as well as mono.
Yeah.If there's one thing I've learned by fishing there it is this:Never use a very high-pound line if you want to catch trout.Use 5 pound or less.(at least.I use less than 5 pound at ALL times)

You can fish for Bass down there too,but I've never tried it.

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