to put it to ya mildly, BRRRR,
50* yesterday at 10pm 40* 2am 35* 8am 20* noon today,
I got up at 5 am this morning, took a little extra doc med to get going, 5 hours later I made it out the door and hopped my new ride and off to the lake only to forget to take my bugs with me, I had to walk out 100 yards to my fishing spot cause I did not dare take my ride out on the lake today. So I made the walk back to my ride rode home to get my bugs and found I had a bug in my tummy, Grabbed my mousies hopped back on my ride and back to the lake I went. I never knew it before but my fishing hole is half mile from my house. No wonder why I have to stop several times there and back.
got back out to my spot and found a bug in my chest, touch of broncial pugmonia. coffed that junk out and finly got to some fishing,
I landed half dozen 10 inch perch couple crappie and a dozen gills.
While I was on the ice I was visited by Oakland County's Finest "Chopper". they buzzed me for about the last 3 hours of daylight. seeing the 10 o'clock news I see a couple guys whent through on lake st clair. They will be alright, and it is aperrent that they never took an ice fishing safety corce. Let alone read the ice fishing tip of the day on our ice fishing board.
"It pays to read" [
Amazingly enough the lake was dry, Vary little snow down here this year. I had to step in to the thawed lake for a couple feet to reach the ice, From noon to dark when I decided to call it a day we got about half inch of new ice. I could almost walk on the shore when returning to my ride.
I was planning on a perch dinner, Guess that will have to wait a day or so, Cambles chicken soup from a can with lots of black pepper would be my dindin tonight, My pup cocked her head and gave me the harry eyeball when I gave her a bit. Any way that broke the chill that was sinking in to my bones.... now I can clean fish [cool]