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Sand Hollow
Friday morning about 8AM, I started fishing. I made a tour of the lake because this lake is unfamiliar to add the flooding that occured in So. UT...the lake had filled. I graphed fish in various parts of the lake...some were suspended and some were on the bottom. I suspected the suspended fish were slimers. And those grouped around the bush I suspected were bluegill. After touring the lake I wound up by one of the dams...and using a drop shot I fished for those fish close to the bottom. No takers and the fish didn't indicate interest in the drop shot rig. Water temp around the lake ranged from 46 degrees to 48 degrees...being the resourceful fisherman that I am...I followed the warmer water to a brushy cove. First cast...produced a 13 inch largemouth. One fish. Moving down the shoreline...I caught and released several more fish using the drop shot and the rock hopper on an assortment of plastics. All of the bass seemed to be cookie cutter bass ranging from 13 inches to 15 inches with only one fish over 20. I left the lake about 11:30AM and had caught about 15 bass.

The lake has a good population of small bass. Sand Hollow has a slot limit where you can keep 4 fish under 10 inches in length and 2 over 20.

However, this little impound seems to have attracted those kill em and grill em nuts out of Las Vegas who swoop down by the dozen and keep everything they can hook.

If Sand Hollow is to remain viable...catch and release must be promoted and practiced. It's a fun place to take the kids...for catch and release.
Thanks for the report on Sand Hollow, if all those fish don't get caught, that lake should be producing some hogs in a few years. When you say that the lake is a little impound, just how little is it? WH2
It is about the same as rockport if you take from the boat ramp to the dam give or take a little.
I think what the guys means about impound is you have to pay to get in. Their is no free public access which is bs.
Yes you pay to lanch a boat, but you can go to the east side an fish if your to cheep to pay for a great boatlanch an camp sights.
Actually the entire lake is open only through the park. Ya you could hike in past the drag strip or hike over the dam via sand roads but I'm sure the park rangers will love to issue a ticket. You can also access the dunes/lake through the wash but road has some wicked whoops.

As far as being to cheap to pay the $5 to get in isn't the problem. They spent our money to build it and then still make everybody pay for the water. I'm sure with the millions they spent, they could of at least put in a couple parking access spots.

I don't own a boat so why pay for access to something I'll never use.

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