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Ok I need some Colorado River Advice... Fast!!!
A few month ago I asked about fishing for Northern Pike in the Colorado river. I got some good responses, but a lot were telling me to hit the Green River instead.

This weekend I am headed to a family gig in Moab ( I will be stuck in Moab no Green River for me) and will get to try my hand in the Colorado. I bought the wife a license and I'm going to set her up for catfish, I'm going to try for the pike.

Anyone ever fish around there? Also if you have what works what doesn't?
Tough call dude. I'd probably try minnows(dace or chub--DEAD) drifted under a float. Remember, a lot of time a pike will hit a minnow hard and then circle back to pick it up. If you get a big hit and the float pops right back up, just leave it still for a bit with an open bail and watch for the float to start moving off, wait a couple seconds and then set the hook on 'im.

Focus on slack water and cover. Pike are an ambush predator and like to wait for their dinner to swim by then pounce on it.

Remeber to give us a report when you get back huh?
Good Luck! Have Fun!
I don't know how active the cats are right now (I've always fished for them around Moab in July/August), but I've always done really well with just plain old nightcrawlers fished with about 2 feet of leader and 1/2 oz sliding sinker. I find an area with a big eddy and cast into areas where the current is going back against the main channel. When I have done this in the summer I have never been skunked. In fact, I would be willing to guess that I average close to 10 fish an hour (60% catfish and the other 40% squawfish and razorback chubs). It can be fun, but I have yet to hook into any catfish over about 3 pounds in that area of the river.
Well..... the Moab trip is done and even though I didn't even get a nibble I got a lot of good casting practice in (always the optimist).
All in all it was a fun trip. It was the wife's first trip and she even claims she had fun getting skunked. I'm going to have to take Wednesday off so I can hit the ice at Scofield and show her what it is like to actually catch a fish.
Sorry to hear you didn't do any good. But I agree with your wife and it drives several people I fish with nuts. I really don't care if I catch anything or not. Altho I do love to catch fish. I just love to get out and enjoy the solitude. Kinda works like a battery charger to keep me going until the next time I get out.

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