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Blue lake questions
I'm thinking of taking my folks to Blue lake for spring break (Mar 14-19) but have a few questions.

- Is there ANY shore fishing? The only small craft we have is a canoe.

- Roughly how long is the boardwalk? (We will be carrying the canoe)

- How far from the marsh do we need to camp in order to avoid the mosquitoes?

Thanks guys!
There is shore fishing for bluegill and some have said that you can shore fish for bass but I don't know about that... I think your enjoyment may be short lived fishing from shore. Course on the bluegill ponds, you may do pretty well. Thats how I fished them last time I was there and I caught plenty. They were pretty small, but it was still fun. Boardwalk is about a quarter mile..... well, maybe a little less. So plan on carrying your canoe about one lap on a high school track. There is kind of an open area where you park and I think you should be ok there..... If not, you can always go back and camp up in the sagebrush flats, and you should be away from the bugs... I don't know though, I've only fished it a few times this year. Leaky and I are planning on being there the eighteenth and nineteenth so maybe we'll run into you.
I wouldn't waste my time at Blue Lake, it's just a pond, and if the divers are there they don't make the long trip any better. Just my two cents!
I fish that lake from shore only. I just slap on a pair of Hodgmens and I'm good to go. That way the muck dosen't get on me, then you can also wade the shallows. A pair of rubber boots should also work alright, as long as you watch your step. There are a few little "holes" that you can sink in up to your hips.
I would think the parking lot should be good for the mosquitoes. If not, then go higher. Good luck!
Just a thought..... I think that may be why the big bass that I caught out there was up so high by the docks. There was a huge group of divers leaving as I came in and I figure she must have followed them up.... don't be too freaked by divers, meaning of course, don't let them scare you off....just fish early and late and you should be able to avoid them. Maniac is right though about it being just a pond... it pretty much is. Course, that being said, its the pond that has delivered one of the nicest bass I've ever personally hooked into. I've fished Pelican a few times, Utah lake more than a few, and Jordanelle and Deer Creek enough to get me yelled at by the ex when I would get home and Blue Lake is as good as any of them if you fish it right. It just takes a little figuring out.... Course when the temps get up and the bugs come out, it may be time to check into other bass havens so you don't have to deal with flying leeches. [Wink]
Hey RiverRat,

What is your difinition of "pretty small"? Are they at least big enough to eat? I've tried them once and was hooked[Wink]

PS thanks all for the replies.
If you want blue gill to eat try pelcan or lake powell or one of the biger lakes that can rebowned the small lakes get fished out to much try C&R on them.
By small I mean like six inches is a big blue gill out of the ponds. Out of the lake, my last trip I caught one that was nine and one that was ten inches but they are definitely more rare in the lake..... If you are after gills to eat, the ponds could use a bit of harvest if for no other reason than to improve the size of the fish in there.... I doubt they have the little white parasites in there either....
How do you get to Blue Lake?
How do you get to Blue Lake? [/reply]

It is roughly 20 miles South of Wendover. Head southwest out of wendover on road 93. After roughly 20 miles there will be a "Blue Lake" sign and a dirt road heading East, taking you back into good ol' Utah and right to Blue lake.

Thanks for all the help everyone.

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