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White bass
Has anyone been catching WB at utah lake?I know the walleyes are feasting on them .Hopefully they will leave some for the rest of us![laugh]
I picked up a solo last weekend near the bubble up and I herd a report of people catching them right up against the reeds, but didn't get the info until after I was off the lake so I didnt try for anything that shallow.
I've only had a few on crankbaits around bird island. They sure do hit the cranks hard!!
try the batle creek inlet. use small jigs and small spiners. they should be starting to scholl neer there.
Where is that located at?
Battle creek is just about 300 yards north of the lindon marina. some people reffer to it as [url "mailtoConfused@#$"]s@#$[/url] ditch. when the lake was higher you could anchor on the fence post and have a blast with the white bass, crappie and largmouth. later chuck
I second what chuck said,The whites like that fence,I have caught alot there.In the spring,on a bobber and white bass meat,just float it right next to the fence.

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