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Albacore Moving into SoCal Waters

Hey there guys,

For SoCal guys and those who may travel to the Southern California area take note that the albacore season may have started. Reports from San Diego, CA boats have some fish in only the 5 pound range with other grades of fish between 16 and 22 pounds.

Still early but there's always the hope we'll have a banner year for the albies.

The report I saw had one PB near the Dumper with 4 ea 16-22 lbs and a sportie in a different area with the little guys.

Whaddya mean, "moving in?" They were there January first... [cool]

Hi there,

Ya .... but ...... they hadn't brought their good china and best silverware !!

We are happy to hear that you enjoy our reports. You can always keep in tune to what's going on over on the Cali board.

If you hear of some breaking news, feel free to post it as well.

The Salton Sea is not all that bad. They have some record sized California Corbina out of there. 50lb class for sure.[cool]
Hey there JJ Sans,

I second TubeN2's sentiments !! I want to fish/float tube Salton Sea specifically the tillapia. Don't laugh I like numbers as they keep me busy. The tillapia fishery last year took a nose dive (compared to years in the past when it was just crazy) so I didn't go. The sargo a few and far between too I heard. I'm not a Corbina (orange mouth) fan but I heard tillapia were great bait for them.

I believe they still have the critters in some numbers around the southwest shore ranger station jetty. I think they were being caught on green peas but I want to flyfish for them and if that's a no-go....... it's bait I suppose. Bass in the canals too but I want to use my tube to stay cool !!!

When you get some go-fish info please let me know and I'll make the trip. Been considering it for 3 years !! Haven't got the 3 things (fish, decent heat, and wind conditions) lined up yet!

To summerize, totally glad I took time to post today, the two...... TubeN2 and TubeNtoo too would be game to tool down to the sea too. huh?!

Hey JR. We are game to go. Maybe we can make a foursome out of it and get Dryrod to join us as well.[cool]
Hey there TubeN2,

Last year .... the wind would never stop during the early season when the heat was not so bad. The alge bloom was so bad it was stinking up communities and reducing the fish willing to hang around.

This board is not very active but maybe JJ could hook up with guys here: [url ""][/url]

Looks like we have our contact there now so hopefully we can all make it a foursome for a bigfishtackle trip and fishing event with JJ!

Hey JJ. We would be honored to be your guests over there when we can get out scedules to coincide.

My trips to Catalina aren't as frequent but I still go. My son is working on a couple of the boats now so we bounce back and forth from Catalina Islands and the Channel Islands.

There are lots of nice fish out there and plenty for all to catch.[cool]
I'm ready when you are. I think it would be great to fish over there again. I haven't been there since the mid 80s.[cool]
Hey there JJ,

Others are much more competent than I on the board here regarding inner workings. I have noticed that I too have, at times, had to input my log in info more than once to get it right. I believe.... the input is case sensitive and that might be the hassle. At least the second time I input my id and password I was careful to follow the exact upper/lower case and was successful.

No message board is perfect and depending on a bunch of stuff I know about and probably more that I don't ...... you might not always get one-on-one service. Depending on traffic ... this is a time share deal ya know !!

Hang in there and all will be well, Now I am getting the twitch for those scrappy 'tills'.


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