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I was just curious if you guys could help me out with a little info about fish lake. I am going to be down there on a family trip and would like to slip away and do a little fishing. I will be there the first week of June. I prefer going out in my float tube and fly fishing but am open to anything. I would also like to potentially do some trolling to see if I can get into some of the lake trout. Any suggestions on locations to fish around the lake and what to use would be greatly appreciated. I have only ice fished here so I am hoping everyone can help.
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try send pikeman a private message he fishs there alot and always seems willing to help
also welcome to the site cool user name!!!!
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You can float out most anywhere, however the water is cold year round, and ther is the weeds that encompase the lake, you can float out past twin creeks and cast a fly back up the channel in the weeds made by the inflowing water, early morning and late at night there are some big fish in this channel, it does drop off quickly though.
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Many times during ice-off at Fish Lake the Sevier County Sheriff's dept. will close the lake to boats (including float tubes). They do this because of the many problems boaters have had in the past getting trapped by moving ice. If you can get out on the lake, i would suggest jigging the weed lines. This is a very good time of year to pick up lot's of nice Splake.
If you really want to get out in the tube, there are a couple other lakes in the area that should provide some excellent fly-fishing opportunities. Forsythe and Mill Meadow are both open water, and both would be an excellent choice. Another hot ticket right now is Koosharem. The cutthroat in Koosharem are in excellent shape (18" neighborhood).
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Hey Captain,
I'll give you my two cents for what it's worth. I'll bet the ice blew off of Fish Lake in that bad wind storm the other night: if I was a betting man. For fishing fish lake spring time is the best time to go. Most fish are shallow. Splake can be found on the inside, the outside, and on top of the moss this time of year. For trolling for the big dogs 5 a.m. is the key. They'll be close to the moss line this time of year. Plugs, flat fish, Rapalla's in rainbow and perch color will do the trick. As for mill meadows, small rainbows, starving to death German Browns, Some nice splake, 8-10 inch perch. It is a little tougher fishing because of the hard hit Ice fishing. For forsyth: very nice splake and tigers. Just low in numbers again because or the pressure from Ice Fishing. For Kersherm: Yes there has been some 18 inch up to 6 pound fish caught. But it has also been bumper to bumper and ten to fifteen boats a day. If I was you and I was in a float tube or boat I would fish the north or south ends of fish lake better known as the cheese holes. P.S. If all else fails use power bait. Good Luck