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Trailer Furnace
I have a small tent trailer that I recently bought. The furnace hasn't been used in quite a long time, so I thought that I would go out and try to get it working today. After a long fight I was able to get the pilot light to stay lit. The furnace would ignite as advertised but after about a minute or so I would hear a very small click inside the funace mechanism and both the furnace and the pilot light would go out.

I am not a furnace wiz so I am at a loss. Does anybody have an idea of what it could be and where I could buy parts? I would perfer to fix it myself, but I would also appreciate a name of somewheres that I could take it to if I had to.


There are a few places that can check your furnace and fix it if you want, one is All Seasons RV the other is Arv's trailer repair(1688south 1900west Ogden)731-2316. I have been to both these places and they both did good work for me but the last one, Arv's, repaired a furnace for my motorhome. You might be able to call them and ask questions and repair it yourself, they do sell parts. Good luck. WH2
I use a propane torch to light my furnace. You have to heat the thermocouple enough to allow the propane to flow, and using a match or lighter to get it hot enough is an exercise in frustration.
I never go camping without a torch any more.
You may have air in the gas line. Try lighting the stove top for a few minuets to purge the air.( The furnace is sensitive to
air in the line and will shut off.) Now try to light the furance again.

Hope that works.

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