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Jordanelle testing
The DWR is doing there shocking up at Jordanelle tomorrol I will be there and will let you know what happens.
I will be there as well. Can't wait to see what the results are.
I hope they shock the dickens out of all those chub I caught over the weekend.
Those chubs are the life blood of Jordanelle and with out them we would not have a great fishing lake for the trout or bass, we need both the perch and chubs to keep that fishing going strong..
Amen! Don't mind the chubs and would like to see the perch even more prolific! I don't think they keep the smallies off my line either! That's my lack of expertise doing that! [crazy]
We caught nothing but chub from the shore at Rock Cliff over the weekend, and virtually all of the fish we saw rising were chub. The kids became really discouraged with the fishing. I understand that the bass and browns like meat to eat (rainbows can do without), but it seems as if they would do fine with just perch. This is a great fishing lake for those with a boat, and from the ice in the winter, but the shore fishers are getting shut out. My family loves the Rock Cliff campground, but the chub put a damper on the trip.
My little neices were using bait (worms and powerbait) and were catching chubs. They had a blast just catching them! I took several smallies on cranks, spinnerbaits, and plastics. So if you are using just bait perhaps you can try a different approach. I only took 1 chub and it was hooked by the belly.
Use something the chubs don't eat be smarter then the fish, and the rainbow do eat chubs once they get over 12 to15 in. to get any bigger they have to eat other things not just bugs.

And teach the kids how to CP&R..
Now you're being condescending. I can be convinced that chubs are a necessary part of this fishery, but I am not. Perch are prolific breeders that provide forage and recreation. Why are chub also necessary?
Becase the perch have there ups and downs and right now they are down the chubs I hope will take up the slack.
Keep this in mind....

The Chubs were there first. The perch were an illegal addition by an unethical schmuck. If the perch hadn't been bucket planted I suspect the predator/prey balance would be in line. As for kids catching the chubs...I bet they enjoy it more than you think.
It's us adults that put predjudices into a childs mind. Just let 'em love it. They can figure out the good fish/bad fish thing later in life.

Just my $.02
The smallies number 1 food base was the chubs before the perch showed up. Chubs really don't hurt much. They got a bad reputation because of Strawberry. Besides in low perch years, the chubs keep the smallies from eating up the rainbow younglings. There are still alot perchies. I found a gozilloin of them the other day. I sometimes go perch huntin' when I get bored or fish with Predator[Wink].

I thought the bows were the #1 forage base for the smallies. That was why the DWR had to quit planting the fingerlings. They had to wait for the bows to grow past a certain size before planting so the bass wouldnt gobble them upon entry into the lake?
Oh, my kids would have a ball catching chubs! I guarantee it... especially the size that are being caught now!
Chubs lack the spines and fins of a perch as well, therefore fish can eat larger chubs than they can perch. Young of the year chubs provide a forage base for the bass and browns for a longer period of time than the perch do.
[cool]Gotta switch to lures or frozen minnows if you want to keep the chubs off your lines. The bigger rainbows are definitely meat eaters as well. Good luck next time.
Yes the bass do eat any thing that they can, but the chubs live around the sure or bottom where the smalles can get to them.
And sense they can not find any crawdad in Jordanelle the main food is the chub or perch or small trout.
Hey, when you heading up to Jordanelle? My dad is there today... aluminum Grumman bass boat with blue stripes! Wonder if the fish survey will affect the fishing?
When Lake Xwas first open, the smallies practically destroyed the young rainbow population. The DWR had to stock 8" rainbows just keep the troutski's available. The smallies then turned to the chubs(the chubs then were flourishing in a large contained enivronment). Finally, around 1998 or 1999 the perchlettes showed up and started eating the chub fry( of course the smallies started to eat the perch. The rainbows and browns started to eat the perch too).

Sounds like you're about ready to start singing... "the circle of life." [Wink]

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