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Jordanelle Tournament Results!
Congratulations Brent Daybell!
He hammered the fish today! He used my favorite Crankbait! The Luhr Jensen Speed Trap! Great Job Brother!

Details will be posted later

1st Place: Brent Daybell
2nd: Steve Amata
3rd: Wade Headrick
4th: bassrods [Cliff Sackett]
Sorry but I took 5 th not 4 will post later. After all I taking 5th isn't bad unless there is only 6 boats.
What? No 50 5 lbr's today?
I assume this was a measure tournament?? What was the winning Weight (length) 5 fish? come on details cliff.
6 boats ...

Winning total length for 5 fish = 89 inches. That's an average of 17.8 inches per fish! Way to go Brent!

Steve Amata took big fish honors with a 21" hawg.
Brent's Biggest fish was 19.5"

Gosh ... I wish I was there for this one!
Nope I only measured around 73 + inches with the largest 15 1/2 inches. Lost a couple of hawgs right at the boat, that coulda, shoulda, woulda made a difference.

Forgot I had on the rubber hooks. But I did catch a 9 inch perch...the first of the year for me at Jordanelle.

Nah...just couldn't get them in the net...but that's fishing.

It was a fun tournament...but needed a lot more entrants. Air Vision put on a BBQ for the excellant job I might add. Food was great, drinks were cold and everybody had fun.

Lot's of fish were caught....and some real nice ones too.

All 6 on the pro side had 5 fish limits...and only 1 amateur missed his 5 fish limit by 1.

The water temperature had risen 5 degrees from Monday to Wednesday. That's a whopping increase...air temps were hot too. thing I did forget to mention about the fish shocking the other day. The DWR did shock up a nice sized crappie. There's a surprise.
Crappie ??? what are these bucket bio's trying to do to, ruin the best thing we have. whats next. I won't say, don't want to give any ideas. later chuck
Now Chuck, Jordanelle doesnt even have Walleye in it. Why would you worry about it?
What size and color of speed trap to you prefer??
[cool]Pigstickr, you were joking about the walleye, right? The reason I ask, is because I see you just joined the board last month (and there was no Wink symbol, or TIC in your post) so perhaps you may not know, or be aware of the fact that there REALLY ARE walleye in Lake X. There are a couple of people on this board that have caught one, and the DWR has gotten them in their net before (not this year yet, however). We've also had a few threads on the subject of 'eyes in Lake X a few months ago.

If you were just joking (but didn't mention it) then disregard my post. Just thought that perhaps you weren't aware that there are a few 'eyes in Jordy. Good fishin' to ya!
O4T, DWR hasn't netted a walleye since 1997. Plus, Pigstickr has caught the biggest smallie ever caught at Lake X.

Yes I was joking. I wouldnt use this sight to bash anyone. I am not the best at computers and dont use the Winks and tics as you call them. I am aware there are walleye in lake X, but not enough to satisfy UTWALLEYE's taste. If you read some of my posts and get a feel for my personality you will understand I am not that kind of person. I have been posting on this site for a few months, but have been a silent observer for a while now. No hard feelings.
just like out4truot said (there is walleye in there) they have been there sence the begaining, and I really don't care. I don't fish lake x for walleye it's a great smallie fisherey and I hope it stays that way.
just can't beleve what some people will do to try and ruin what we have. I do target walleyes most of the time but I do fish for other fish. later chuck
[cool]Tome, Paul may disagree with you on the 'eye findings lately as supposedly he has e-mails from one of the biologists-yada yada yada), but who cares about that, I guess. I wasn't doubting your friend pigstikr's bass fishing techniques at all. I'm sure he's one fine bass chaser like you, and he probably has a 40,000 bass boat too, and that's fine with me. Good fishin to ya!
[cool]That's cool. Good luck at your next tournament.
Thanks for the great reports... BASSRODS, Clif. Or should I say Cliff, Clif? [Smile]

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