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Willard, Mantua 7-17
Went to Willard with my son and grandson. Launched at 6am and about 10 minutes later the wind started. We fought the wind for about an hour. One walleye and a tiny wiper later we decided to move to Mantua. We caught bluegills and perch until my grandson had had all he could stand.
We should have followed you but we stuck it out at Willard. Tried for crappie in the marina and caught 2 cats then the wind mellowed a little and we hit just north of the marina and only got 1 walleye and 3 more catfish. Not the best day but it sure beats working!
Those are some decent perch. I'll bet your grandson had a great time. Thanks for the report.
We had a great fish fry last night. They were really good!
Just wondering what it was you caught the bluegill on? I am planning to take the kids up to Mantua 7-19-05 tomorrow. I just put the new water pump impeller in the motor and I have the OK to get me a battery for the electric motor.

Wives are great... You make the money then have to negotiate for small portions of it back. Its really a win win.

This will be maiden voyage #2 so we will see how this goes.
I was at Mantua tonight with my daughter and my wonderful wife and when we found the gills they craved little chunks of crawlers or meal worms. We used a 1/32 oz jig head and just the plain worm and we also tossed a few motor oil colored curley tails or pumpkin with chartruese tails. We did have to move around a little to find them. They seemed to be in the vegetation that was mixed with tall and short stuff and in murky water. We never got a bite or saw a fish in the really clear water.
We caught them on everything. (curly tails, flies, etc.) But they really wanted nightcrawlers. We went straight east from the ramp and fished about 100 yards off the east shoreline. We looked around until we found a hole in the weeds about 12-15 feet deep. The bigger fish and all the perch were on the bottom. The smaller fish came up right under the boat. We could hang a worm down about 3' and watch the small bg strip the worm right off the hook if you didn't jerk to try to catch one. I even caught one on the bare hook after they had it stripped.

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