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Strange catches
A recent post about Senkonate accidentaly catching a mink-like thing got me wondering. What are some of the bizarre things some of you have caught while fishing? The wierdest thing I can remember catching was a shoe at farmington pond.
Beach towel on a fly at East Canyon.
Three years ago fly fishing in the Uintas I hooked a beaver on my mudder minnow. Had to just break the leader and hope for the best. He didn't seem to want to come over and let me take it out for him.[crazy]
A shopping cart out of the Jordan river - most of which I released in a near-by dumpster. I took part of it home I now use it as a rod holder/rod rack.

On Current creek one time I caught a small brown trout right under a beaver. The beaver got tangled in the 4 weight fly line and the brown was fighting me and the beaver on a 5X tippet. The beaver finally went under and my line came up but had broken and the other part was tangeld now in the brush on the bank and the brown was still there trying to get away. At that point I reeled the rest of my line in and then went down to the bank and pulled the brown in by hand and let it go. I figure that fish sure has a story to tell.
My gf caught a minnow trap from e lake on a frog patter spoon, it even had minnows still in it.
A seagull and a duck.... hated both those experiances.

I have had a few nutty "catches" over the years, probably due to questionable competence in going after what I intended to catch.

1. Birds; coot and pied billed grebe, all safely released.
2. reptiles and amphibians; toad (on a dry fly) and soft shelled turtles. Unfortunately, the turtle incidents happened more than once on the Overton arm of Lake Mead . These nasty critters have an affinity for cut bait and sometimes got to my offerings before the stripers or channel cats did. They generally could be released with no problem, but they would try to bite you at every opportunity, so you had to extend the neck to get the hook out.
3. Inanimate object; my most memorable was in the Upper Provo. I was nymph fishing and snagged up. It was in shallow enough water that I waded out to free myself up and noticed it was some sort of wheel. I freed it up from the bottom and lo and behold, it was one of those old time automotive wheels with wooden spokes from the 20's and 30's. It was a but rusty, but still in fair condition. My folks have it in their yard for decoration.
4. Beaver; (sort-of). I was fishing an alpine lake with a fly and bubble set-up. A beaver swam by, between me and the bubble I was retrieving. He didn't realize he had made contact, and started towing the fly/bubble in the direction he was swimming. Then a fish hit the fly. The sudden line tension scared the poor beaver to death and he slapped his tail in the water and dove. Both the beaver and my rig were none the worse for wear.
5. Finally, one time, a bird got me. I was fishing with a fly and bubble in an alpine lake at dusk. I had seen a Great Horned owl in the distance but didn't think anything of it. I was making my "last cast" of the evening, when I got a tremendous "splashy "hit". The line peeled off my reel as my drag screamed. The problem was that the line trajectory was up! The owl apparently thought that my bubble was a muskrat and seized it. He peeled off about 50 yds. of line before realizing that he didn't have a meal and let go of the bubble. (sorry, I have posted this one before, but it seemed to fit the thread)

Good luck this weekend.
[#505000]1. My first walleye on processed catfish stink bait.[/#505000]
[#505000]2. Old sock.[/#505000]
Utah Lake ... 12" Sculpin ... The Thing Was Huge!

He hit a chartruese grub on a lead-head.

Oh, and a "DorkFish" ... Caught Him On A Corndog.
ok lets see how about a ..pelican or a seagull. seal or sea lion whatever you you want to call them.. allagator down in fl.. a surffer off the piar in ocen side.. a jet ski"r off the piar at huntington beach.. my best friend in the nose.. my dog 6 or 7 times a potgut or ground squirrell.. lizerd fish, star fish, clam's stuck on my line.. sea cucumber.. and some others that i cant rember right,
I was camping with my family in Puerto Penasco, Mexico when I was around 12 or 13. We were using some sort of cut bait catching crabs for a crab boil that night. I was bringing in a crab and about a 2 ft stingray grabbed the crab! I fought the thing for about 5 or 6 minutes and got it rather close to shore and was too scared to try to land it so pulled the line sharply and broke it off.

My father has a lake around his condominium complex in Phoenix in which he fishes for largemouth bass. Fishing for bass, he has twice hooked into 28-30 pound fish! Once a very large grass carp and once a very large catfish... forget which kind of catfish it was... he had about a 25 minute fight with both on 8lb test line! I should get the pictures and scan them for y'all.
One time, I was at work at a business on Wall Ave. in Ogden. One of my co-workers was bragging how far he could cast his spinning rod. He said he could stand at the front door and cast across Wall Ave. and hit the bank across the street. We all gave him a bad time saying there was no way. We all agreed to give him a buck apiece if he could do it. He went to his Bronco and strung his rod. He tied on about ten pounds of sinkers. We all went to the front of the business and watched him as he wound up and slung the glob of sinkers across Wall Ave. and sure enough he hit the bank wall. He turned to us with this smug look on his face and demanded his money. As we were paying up the light changed and the cars started to come up the road. We all looked at each other with grins on our faces and proceeded to pay him occupying his attention. We looked over his shoulder as the cars sped past ripping all the line off the drag and yanking the rod out of his hand and dragging his rig half a block before the line broke. I have never got so much for a dollar than that. I still get tickled every time I think about it and it was 15 years ago. I wasn't the one catching on that occasion but thought it was a strange catch and a great story.

Provo River at Utah Lake, a cat, not a catfish but a real cat. Very dead and very slimey. MR. J.
lets see seagull, cormorants, greebs pelicans, ducks, turtels, snails, beaver, slime eel, moray eel, cell phone, and strangest of all......myself
I was tossing senkos for lmb's and came up with this hopper.

[Image: sunset_frog.jpg]
i caught a snake about 2 weeks ago on a kastmaster during my annual camping/hiking/fishing trip in SE oregon.
I just remembered that I was once fishing for bass in a lake in northern virginia when I caught a HUGE snapping turtle. My grandpa was telling me of stories "when he was a boy" and they used to catch turtles, then kill them and eat them. Well, right as he said he used to catch them on the same type of lure I was using, I noticed a huge black shadow following my lure. He took the lure and I brought him to shore after a short battle. That turtle easily weighed 30+ pounds. He was hissing and snapping. I just cut the line at let him swim off. I did not want to mess with it.
My friend caught a duck on the Provo River once when we were kids -- the Sad thing was he was trying to hook the poor creature.

While in Nicaragua I went fishing in a laguna made from an extinct volcano crater that had filled with water, I found a small frog and hooked it on and I caught a 3 ft. aligator! I got it to the bank and then it snapped the line. Don't know what I woulda done with it if I woulda got it all the way in so good thing it released itself!

I also caught a puffer fish off a jetty in Corinto in northwest Nicaragua off a small piece of shrimp.
The only thing I've caught that hasn't already been mentioned is a bat on a flyrod, right at dusk on the green river. I'm sorry to say that the flying disease bag did not survive the encounter. Couldn't figure out how to get the hook out of it without a round of rabie shots.
at silver lake i made a very poor cast that landed on shore next to a shrub. as soon as my rooster tail hit the ground a squirrell ran out and grabbed it and hooked himself in the neck. he was safely released.

last summer at jordanelle i was into a bunch of smallies arouond a beaver dam. the beavers were unimpressed. they were swimming around me in about a 20 ft. cirlce slappin the water with their tails tryin to scare me off. suddenly one dove and snagged my tube jig. that sucker took me for about 3 or 4 good quick spins in a circle in my float tube before it broke off. i kinda dont fish under beaver dams anymore. i have to admit it freaked me out a bit.

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